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Camacho R, Alves A., da Costa J., Azevedo P.. 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2005 Covilha, Portugal, December 5-8, 2005 - Introduction. In: Bento C., Cardoso A., Dias G., editors. Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings. Vol 3808.; 2005. 2. 235. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; vol 3808).Edit
Hofbauer T., Palma J., Beferale L., Gama SM. Anisotropy in large-scale simulations determined from SO(3) symmetry group. Journal of Turbulence. 2005;6(9):1-11.Edit
da Costa J., Cardoso JS. Classification of ordinal data using neural networks. In: Gama J., Camacho R, Brazdil P., Jorge A, Torgo L., editors. Machine Learning: Ecml 2005, Proceedings. Vol 3720.; 2005. 6. p. 690-697p. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; vol 3720).Edit
Camacho R, Alves A., da Costa J., Azevedo P.. CMB'05: Workshop on Computational Methods in Bioinformatics. Bento C., Cardoso A., Dias G., editors 2005.Edit
[2005-31] Bessa M. Dynamics of generic 2-dimensional linear differential systems .
Basto-Gonçalves J, Reis H.. The geometry of $2\times 2$ systems of conservation laws. Acta Appl. Math.. 2005;88:269-329.Edit
Basto-Gonçalves J, Reis H. The geometry of 2×2 systems of conservation laws. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. 2005;88(3):269-329.
Bessa M. Homeomorfismos do plano sem pontos fixos 2005.
[2005-25] Bradlow SB, García-Prada O, Gothen PB. Homotopy groups of moduli spaces of representations .Edit
Marcal A, Borges J., Gomes J., Da Costa J. land cover update by supervised classification of segmented aster images. international journal of remote sensing. 2005;26:1347-1362.Edit
[2005-40] Bessa M. The Lyapunov exponents of zero divergence 3-dimensional vector fields .
[2005-45] Bradlow SB, García-Prada O, Gothen PB. Maximal surface group representations in isometry groups of classical hermitian symmetric spaces .Edit
Basto-Gonçalves J, Ferreira AC. Normal forms and linearization of resonant vector fields with multiple eigenvalues. J. Math. Anal. Appl.. 2005;301:219-236.Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA, García-García JI, Branco MB. Numerical semigroups with a monotonic Apéry set. Czechoslovak Math. J.. 2005;55(130):755-772.Edit
[2005-12] Bigazzi A., Biferale L., Gama SM, Velli M.. Small-scale anisotropy and intermittency in high and low-latitude solar wind .Edit
[2005-12] Bigazzi A., Biferale L., Gama SM, Velli M.. Small-scale anisotropy and intermittency in high and low-latitude solar wind .Edit
Aguiar MA, Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Switching along a network. Dumortier F, Broer H, Mawhin J, Vanderbauwhede A, Lunel S, editors 2005.Edit
[2005-39] Brito M, Freitas AC. Weak convergence of a bootstrap geometric-type estimator with applications to risk theory .
