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Mining binary attributes. In: DATA MINING.; 1998.
Mining binary attributes. In: DATA MINING.; 1998.
Is autonomic control of the heart rate at rest altered by detraining? A study of heart rate variability in professional soccer players. {Revista portuguesa de cardiologia : orgão oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia = Portuguese journal of cardiology : an official journal of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology}. 1997;{16}:{535-541, 508}.Edit
The disappearance of the limit cycle in a mode interaction problem with $Z_2$ symmetry. Nonlinearity. 1997;10:425-432.
Entropy dimension of dynamical systems. Portugaliae Mathematica. 1997;54(1):19-40.
Prime links in some skew-polynomial and skew-Laurent rings. Comm. Algebra. 1997;25:1443-1469.
A autofluorescência do cristalino do doente diabético não se correlaciona com os níveis de controlo metabólico a curto prazo. Vol XX 1996.Edit
The C^1 interior of zero entropy diffeomorphisms. Portugaliae Mathematica. 1996;53(1):89-95.
On the cube problem of Las Vergnas. Geom. Dedicata. 1996;63:25-43.Edit
Estudo das alterações da autofluorescência corneana na diabetes Mellitus tipo I e tipo II. Vol XX 1996.Edit
A generalized Desargues configuration and the pure braid group. Discrete Math.. 1996;160:105-113.Edit
Heart rate variability in brain death. {CLINICAL AUTONOMIC RESEARCH}. 1996;{6}:{141-146}.Edit
Heart rate variability in brain death. {CLINICAL AUTONOMIC RESEARCH}. 1996;{6}:{141-146}.Edit
Methodological developments in decision trees. An application to protein secondary structure prediction. In: ORDINAL AND SYMBOLIC DATA ANALYSIS.; 1996. Edit
Mode interactions with symmetry. Dynam. Stability Systems. 1995;10:13-31.
Some non-commutative neutrix convolution products of functions. Math. Balkanica (N.S.). 1995;9:287-297.Edit
The spectral analysis of heart rate variability. A comparative study between nonparametric and parametric spectral analysis in short series . {Revista portuguesa de cardiologia : orgao oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia = Portuguese journal of cardiology : an official journal of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology}. 1995;{14}:{621-626}.Edit
The spectral analysis of heart rate variability. A comparative study between nonparametric and parametric spectral analysis in short series . {Revista portuguesa de cardiologia : orgao oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia = Portuguese journal of cardiology : an official journal of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology}. 1995;{14}:{621-626}.Edit
Estudo comparativo de duas doses de fluconazol na profilaxia de infecções fúngicas em doentes neutropénicos 1994.Edit
Mixed-mode solutions in mode interaction problems with symmetry. In: Dynamics, bifurcation and symmetry ({C}argèse, 1993). Vol 437. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht; 1994. 6. p. 69-77p.
Mode interactions with spherical symmetry. Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg.. 1994;4:885-904.
Bowen-Ruelle-Sinai measures for n-dimensional derived from Anosov diffeomorphisms. Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems. 1993;13:21-44.