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Intrinsic vs. spurious long-range memory in high-frequency records of environmental radioactivity. The European Physical Journal. 2015;224:741-762.Edit
Kidney-Brain Link in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients? A Preliminary Report. Neurocritical Care. 2015;22(2):192-201.Edit
Kidney-Brain Link in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients? A Preliminary Report. Neurocritical Care. 2015;22(2):192-201.Edit
Memristor-based Willshaw network: Capacity and robustness to noise in the presence of defects. Applied Physics Letters. 2015;106:223505.Edit
Proceedings of the internacional conference Turning Data into Knowledge: New Opportunities for Statistics Education Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa 2015.Edit
Rankings and Preferences Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2015.Edit
Rankings and Preferences. New Results in Weighted Correlation and Weighted Principal Component Analysis with Applications Springer 2015.Edit
Regular Synchrony Lattices for Product Coupled Cell Networks. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science. 2015;25:013108.Edit
Tuberculosis deaths in Northern Portugal. Predictors of mortality during TB treatment - A five-year analysis (2008-2012). Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia (English Edition). 2015;21:307-313.Edit
Tuberculosis screening in patients receiving biological therapy. Acta Reumatológica Portuguesa. 2015;40(3).Edit
Tuberculosis screening in patients receiving biological therapy. Acta Reumatológica Portuguesa. 2015;40(3).Edit
Uma introdução (ingénua) à Criptografia. Garrão APaula, Dias MRaposo, Teixeira RCunha, editors Letras Lavadas Edições 2015.Edit
[2015-40] Utilisation de la visualisation dans le développement historique des séries avant le 17e siècle. Une analyse à travers les ostensifs. .Edit
The weighted rank correlation coefficient in the case of ties. STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS. 2015.Edit
An approach for assessing the distribution of reporting delay in Portuguese AIDS data. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing.; 2016. Edit
An Approach for Assessing the Distribution of Reporting Delay in Portuguese Aids Data. In: L.p. RAadeli H, editor. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol 445. Springer Verlag; 2016. 6. p. 641-649p. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; vol 445).Edit
Can silicosis explain it all? Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia (English Edition). 2016;22(6):358-360.Edit
Closed-form evaluation of two-dimensional static lattice sums. Proc. R. Soc. A. 2016;472: 20160510.Edit
A general method for deriving some semi-classical properties of perturbed second degree forms: the case of the Chebyshev form of second kind. J. Comput. Appl. Math.. 2016;296 :677-689.Edit
Heteroclinic network dynamics on joining coupled cell networks. Dynamical Systems An International Journal. 2016.Edit
Longitudinal Clustering of Tuberculosis Incidence and Predictors for the Time Profiles: the Impact of Hiv. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2016;20(8):1027-32.Edit
Longitudinal clustering of tuberculosis incidence and predictors for the time profiles: the impact of HIV. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis.. 2016;20(8).Edit