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Symmetric Groups and Quotient Complexity of Boolean Operations. Vol 8573. Esparza J, Fraigniaud P, Husfeldt T, Koutsoupias E, editors 2014.Edit
Comparison of different methods of heart rate entropy analysis during acute anoxia superimposed on a chronic rat model of pulmonary hypertension. {MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS}. 2013;{35}:{559-568}.Edit
Erratum: Evaluation of a facial transplant candidate with a facegram: A baseline analysis (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (2013) 132 (479e-480)). Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2013;132:1040-1041.Edit
Evaluation of a facial transplant candidate with a facegram: A baseline analysis. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2013;132:479e-480e.Edit
Evaluation of a Facial Transplant Candidate with a Facegram: A Baseline Analysis: Correction. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2013;132:1040-1041.Edit
Genes involved in centrosome-independent mitotic spindle assembly in Drosophila S2 cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2013;110:19808-19813.Edit
Geometric orbits. Mathematical Intelligencer. 2012;34(2):56-62.Edit
Injective hulls of simple modules over finite dimensional nilpotent complex Lie superalgebras. J. Algebra. 2012;361:79-91.Edit
Analysis of heart rate variability in a rat model of induced pulmonary hypertension. {MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS}. 2010;{32}:{746-752}.Edit
A special issue dedicated to the memory of Walter Douglas Munn: a note from the editors. Semigroup Forum. 2010;81:1.Edit
Parallel computation of large amplitude shocks for a system of conservation laws with small data. Tadmor E, Liu J-G, Tzavaras A, editors College Park, Maryland, United States: American Mathematical Society 2009.Edit
[2008-33] Finding quasi-optimal network topologies for information transmission in active networks .Edit
Linear and nonlinear heart-rate analysis in a rat model of acute anoxia. {PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT}. 2008;{29}:{1133-1143}.Edit
Anisotropy in large-scale simulations determined from SO(3) symmetry group. Journal of Turbulence. 2005;6(9):1-11.Edit
Chebyshev polynomials over finite fields and reversibility of σ-automata on square grids. Theoret. Comput. Sci.. 2004;320:465-483.Edit
A Parallel Implementation of the Atkinson Algorithm for Solving a Fredholm Equation. In: Palma JMLM, A. Sousa A, Dongarra J, Hernández V, editors. High Performance Computing for Computational Science –- VECPAR 2002: 5th International Conference Porto, Portugal, June 26–28, 2002 Selected Papers and Invited Talks. Vol 2565. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2003. 3. p. 368-376p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 2565).Edit
A polynomial time algorithm to compute the abelian kernel of a finite monoid. Semigroup Forum. 2003;67:97-110.Edit
An addendum: ``The gap between partial and full'' [Internat. J. Algebra Comput. \bf 8 (1998), no. 3, 399–430; MR1627844 (99g:20102)]. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2001;11:131-135.Edit
Monoids respecting $n$-chains of intervals. J. Algebra. 1997;187:183-202.Edit
Convolutions for $H$-function transformations. Indian J. Pure Appl. Math.. 1992;23:743-752.Edit