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The ω-inequality problem for concatenation hierarchies of star-free languages. Forum Mathematicum. 2018;30:663-679.Edit
The ω-inequality problem for concatenation hierarchies of star-free languages. Forum Mathematicum. 2018;30:663-679.Edit
[2017-25] On the insertion of n-powers .Edit
On maximum likelihood estimation of the drift matrix of a degenerated O–U process. Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes. 2017;20:57-78.Edit
Parametrizing Arf numerical semigroups. J. Algebra Appl.. 2017;16:1750209, 31.Edit
A quantum subgroup depth. Acta Math. Hung.. 2017;152(1):166-185.Edit
Ring theoretical properties of affine cellular algebras. Journal of Algebra. 2017;476:494-518.Edit
The Role of Theory in Computer Science: Essays Dedicated to Janusz Brzozowski. Konstantinidis S, Moreira N, Reis R, Shallit J, editors World Scientific 2017.Edit
Stone Duality and the Substitution Principle. In: Computer Science Logic.; 2017. 1. 13:p. 1-13p. :20.Edit
[2017-9] Towards a pseudoequational proof theory .Edit
Extremes and recurrence in dynamical systems John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ 2016.Edit
Generating Error Control Codes With Automata and Transducers. In: Bordihn H, Freund R, Nagy B, Vaszil G, editors. Eighth Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA 2016). Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft; 2016. 2. p. 211-226p. Edit
Implementation of Code Properties via Transducers. In: Implementation and Application of Automata, 21th International Conference (CIAA 2016).; 2016. Edit
On the irreducibility of pseudovarieties of semigroups. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 2016;220(4):1517-1524.Edit
On maximum likelihood estimation of the drift matrix of a degenerated O–U process. Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes. 2016:1-22.Edit
[2016-29] A Quantum Subgroup Depth .Edit
Reducibility vs. definability for pseudovarieties of semigroups. International Journal of Algebra and Computation. 2016;26(7):1483-1495.Edit
On Decidability of Intermediate Levels of Concatenation Hierarchies. In: 19th International Conference Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2015). Vol Developments in Language Theory, LNCS 9168. UK, Liverpool: Springer; 2015. 5. p. 58-70p. Edit
On Decidability of Intermediate Levels of Concatenation Hierarchies. In: 19th International Conference Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2015). Vol Developments in Language Theory, LNCS 9168. UK, Liverpool: Springer; 2015. 5. p. 58-70p. Edit
On fixed points of the lower set operator. Int. J. Algebra Comput.. 2015;25(1-2):259-292.Edit