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Yakubovich SB, Lemeshevskaya N.. On the Lebedev-Skal\cprime skaya transform. Vests\=ı Akad. Navuk Belarus\=ı Ser. F\=ız. Mat. Navuk. 1995:28-35, 124.Edit
Costa O., Lago P, Rocha AP, Freitas J., Puig J, Carvalho M., et al. The spectral analysis of heart rate variability. A comparative study between nonparametric and parametric spectral analysis in short series . {Revista portuguesa de cardiologia : orgao oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia = Portuguese journal of cardiology : an official journal of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology}. 1995;{14}:{621-626}.Edit
Rebelo AN, Costa O., Rocha AP, Soares JM, Lago P. Is autonomic control of the heart rate at rest altered by detraining? A study of heart rate variability in professional soccer players. {Revista portuguesa de cardiologia : orgão oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia = Portuguese journal of cardiology : an official journal of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology}. 1997;{16}:{535-541, 508}.Edit
Labouriau L., Labouriau IS. An extension of the absolute reaction rate theory as applied to physiological rate processes. Ciência e Cultura. 1997;49(3):177-189.Edit
Labouriau L., Labouriau IS. An extension of the absolute reaction rate theory as applied to physiological rate processes. Ciência e Cultura. 1997;49(3):177-189.Edit
Costa JP, Lerman I.. ARCADE: A Prediction Method for Nominal Variables. Intelligent Data Analysis. 1998;2:265-286.Edit
Costa JP, Lerman I. arcade: a prediction method for nominal variables. intelligent data analysis. 1998;2:265-286.Edit
Lomp C. Modules whose small submodules have Krull dimension. J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 1998;133:197-202.Edit
Lomp C. On semilocal modules and rings. Comm. Algebra. 1999;27:1921-1935.Edit
M. Gomes GM, Labouriau IS, Pinho EM. Spatial hidden symmetries in pattern formation. In: Pattern formation in continuous and coupled systems (Minneapolis, MN, 1998). Vol 115. Springer, New York; 1999. 8. p. 83-99p. (IMA Vol. Math. Appl.; vol 115).Edit
Torgo L., da Costa J.. Clustered partial linear regression. In: LaopezDeMantaras R., Plaza E., editors. Machine Learning: Ecml 2000. Vol 1810.; 2000. 4. p. 426-436p. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; vol 1810).Edit
Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Counting persistent pitchforks. In: Real and complex singularities (São Carlos, 1998). Vol 412. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL; 2000. 2. p. 215-222p. (Chapman & Hall/CRC Res. Notes Math.; vol 412).
Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Counting Persistent Pitchforks. Vol V International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities São Carlos SP Brazil: CRC press 2000.Edit
Lomp C, Peña-P AJ. A note on prime modules. Divulg. Mat.. 2000;8:31-42.Edit
Aguiar MA, Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Path Formulation for a Modal Family. Portugaliae Mathematica. 2001;58(4):407-424.
Lomp C. A remark on a theorem of Y. Kurata. Hokkaido Math. J.. 2001;30:645-648.Edit


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