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Loureiro AF, Yakubovich SB. The Kontorovich-Lebedev transform as a map between $d$-orthogonal polynomials. Stud. Appl. Math.. 2013;131:229-265.
[2013-12] lvarez M., Labouriau IS, Murza AC. Limit cycles for a class of quintic $\mathbbZ_6-$equivariant systems without infinite critical poi .Edit
[2013-12] lvarez M., Labouriau IS, Murza AC. Limit cycles for a class of quintic $\mathbbZ_6-$equivariant systems without infinite critical poi .Edit
Bolea J, Caiani EG, Laguna P., Almeida R. The linear dependence of ventricular repolarization variability on heart rate variability in head-down bed rest studies. In: Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2013. Spain, Zaragoza: IEEE; 2013. 7. p. 77-80p. Edit
Ramos A, Ledford A. Modelling short-range temporal dependence within extremes of financial time series. In: Extremes in Vimeiro Today.; 2013. 1. p. 141-143p. Edit
Abuhlail J, Lomp C. On the notion of strong irreducibility and its dual. J. Algebra Appl.. 2013;12:1350012.Edit
[2013-27] Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A Parametric Family of Subalgebras of the Weyl Algebra I. Structure and Automorphisms .Edit
Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A Parametric Family of Subalgebras of the Weyl Algebra II. Irreducible Modules. In: Contemp. Math. Vol 602 Recent developments in algebraic and combinatorial aspects of representation theory.; 2013. 7. p. 73-98p. Edit
[2013-28] Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A Parametric Family of Subalgebras of the Weyl Algebra II. Irreducible Modules .Edit
Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A parametric family of subalgebras of the Weyl algebra II. Irreducible modules. In: Recent developments in algebraic and combinatorial aspects of representation theory. Vol 602. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI; 2013. 7. p. 73-98p. (Contemp. Math.; vol 602).Edit
Labouriau IS, Rodrigues AA. Partial symmetry breaking and heteroclinic tangencies. In: Progress and challenges in dynamical systems. Vol 54. Springer, Heidelberg; 2013. 2. p. 281-299p. Edit
[2013-2] Labouriau IS, Rodrigues AA. Partial symmetry breaking and heteroclinic tangencies .Edit
[2013-4] Labouriau IS, Murza AC. Periodic solutions in an array of coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo cells .Edit
Ribeiro C., Ladeira I., Gaio A., Brito MC. Pneumococcal pneumonia-are the new severity scores more accurate in predictingadverse outcomes? [Pneumonia pneumocócica-serão os novos scoresmais precisos a prever eventos desfavoráveis?]. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia. 2013;19:252-259.Edit
Pinto CM, Machado J., Lopes A.. Power Law and Entropy Analysis of Catastrophic Phenomena. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2013;2013:10.Edit
Leite A, Silva M, Rocha AP. Scaling Exponents in Heart Rate Variability. J. L. da Silva, F. Caeiro, I. Natário, and C. Braumann, eds ed. Springer 2013.
Leite V, Castro SB, Correia-da-Silva J.. A third sector in the core-periphery model: non-tradable goods. ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE. 2013;50(1):71-108.Edit
Bolea J, Almeida R, Pueyo E., Laguna P., Caiani EG. Ventricular repolarization adaptation to abrupt changes in heart rate after microgravity simulation by 5-day head-down bed rest. In: European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP. Vol 706 SP.; 2013. Edit
[2013-11] Delgado M, Farrán J., García-Sánchez PA, LLena D.. On the weight hierarchy of codes coming from semigroups with two generators .Edit
