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Gonçalves H, Henriques-Coelho T., Rocha AP, Lourenco AP, Leite-moreira A, Bernardes J. Comparison of different methods of heart rate entropy analysis during acute anoxia superimposed on a chronic rat model of pulmonary hypertension. {MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS}. 2013;{35}:{559-568}.Edit
Gonçalves H, Henriques-Coelho T., Rocha AP, Lourenco AP, Leite-moreira A, Bernardes J. Comparison of different methods of heart rate entropy analysis during acute anoxia superimposed on a chronic rat model of pulmonary hypertension. {MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS}. 2013;{35}:{559-568}.Edit
Leite A, Rocha AP, Silva M. Enhancing scaling exponents in heart rate by means of fractional integration. In: {Computing in Cardiology}. Vol {40}.; 2013. {. {p. 433-436p. }.
Ramos A, Ledford A. Estimation of the extremal index function in case of asymptotically independent Markov chains and its application to stock market indices. Vol Recent Developments in Modeling and Applications in Statistics, Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics Springer 2013.Edit
Faranda D, Freitas JM, Lucarini V, Turchetti G, Vaienti S. Extreme value statistics for dynamical systems with noise. Nonlinearity. 2013;26:2597-2622.Edit
Lopes AM, Machado J., Pinto C., Galhano AM. Fractional dynamics and MDS visualization of earthquake phenomena. Comput. Math. Appl.. 2013;66:647-658.Edit
Delgado M., Farrán J., García-Sánchez PA, Llena D.. On the generalized Feng-Rao numbers of numerical semigroups generated by intervals. Math. Comp.. 2013;82:1813-1836.Edit
Alves JF, Dias CL, Luzzatto S. Geometry of expanding absolutely continuous invariant measures and the liftability problem. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire. 2013;30:101-120.Edit
Alarcón B, Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Global dynamics for symmetric planar maps. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.. 2013;33:2241-2251.
Bolea J, Laguna P., Caiani EG, Almeida R. Heart rate and ventricular repolarization variabilities interactions modification by microgravity simulation during head-down bed rest test. In: Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.; 2013. 5. p. 552-553p. Edit
Leite A., Silva M., Rocha AP. Heart rate variability analysis in healthy subjects, patients suffering from congestive heart failure and heart transplanted patients. Motricidade. 2013;9:54-63.Edit
García-Sánchez PA, Leamer M.. Huneke-Wiegand Conjecture for complete intersection numerical semigroup rings. J. Algebra. 2013;391:114-124.Edit
Loureiro AF, Yakubovich SB. The Kontorovich-Lebedev transform as a map between $d$-orthogonal polynomials. Stud. Appl. Math.. 2013;131:229-265.
[2013-12] lvarez M., Labouriau IS, Murza AC. Limit cycles for a class of quintic $\mathbbZ_6-$equivariant systems without infinite critical poi .Edit
[2013-12] lvarez M., Labouriau IS, Murza AC. Limit cycles for a class of quintic $\mathbbZ_6-$equivariant systems without infinite critical poi .Edit
Bolea J, Caiani EG, Laguna P., Almeida R. The linear dependence of ventricular repolarization variability on heart rate variability in head-down bed rest studies. In: Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2013. Spain, Zaragoza: IEEE; 2013. 7. p. 77-80p. Edit
Ramos A, Ledford A. Modelling short-range temporal dependence within extremes of financial time series. In: Extremes in Vimeiro Today.; 2013. 1. p. 141-143p. Edit
Abuhlail J, Lomp C. On the notion of strong irreducibility and its dual. J. Algebra Appl.. 2013;12:1350012.Edit
[2013-27] Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A Parametric Family of Subalgebras of the Weyl Algebra I. Structure and Automorphisms .Edit
[2013-28] Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A Parametric Family of Subalgebras of the Weyl Algebra II. Irreducible Modules .Edit
Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A Parametric Family of Subalgebras of the Weyl Algebra II. Irreducible Modules. In: Contemp. Math. Vol 602 Recent developments in algebraic and combinatorial aspects of representation theory.; 2013. 7. p. 73-98p. Edit
Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A parametric family of subalgebras of the Weyl algebra II. Irreducible modules. In: Recent developments in algebraic and combinatorial aspects of representation theory. Vol 602. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI; 2013. 7. p. 73-98p. (Contemp. Math.; vol 602).Edit
Labouriau IS, Rodrigues AA. Partial symmetry breaking and heteroclinic tangencies. In: Progress and challenges in dynamical systems. Vol 54. Springer, Heidelberg; 2013. 2. p. 281-299p. Edit
[2013-2] Labouriau IS, Rodrigues AA. Partial symmetry breaking and heteroclinic tangencies .Edit
[2013-4] Labouriau IS, Murza AC. Periodic solutions in an array of coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo cells .Edit
