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Prior A., Oliveira PM. Parameter estimation of a two regime stochastic differential model for a bilinear oscillator subjected to random loads. In: 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014. Portugal, Porto; 2014. 2. p. 2845-2852p. Edit
Oliveira LA. On the question of embedding a semigroup into a semiband. Semigroup Forum. 2014;88:715-731.
Amorim I, Machiavelo A, Reis R. Statistical Study on The Number of Injective Linear Finite Transducers. Bensch S, Freund R, Otto F, editors Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft 2014.Edit
Oliveira PM, Prior A.. Estimação dos parâmetros de um modelo estocástico com mudança de regime Portugal, Aveiro 2013.Edit
[2013-27] Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A Parametric Family of Subalgebras of the Weyl Algebra I. Structure and Automorphisms .Edit
[2013-28] Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A Parametric Family of Subalgebras of the Weyl Algebra II. Irreducible Modules .Edit
Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A Parametric Family of Subalgebras of the Weyl Algebra II. Irreducible Modules. In: Contemp. Math. Vol 602 Recent developments in algebraic and combinatorial aspects of representation theory.; 2013. 7. p. 73-98p. Edit
Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A parametric family of subalgebras of the Weyl algebra II. Irreducible modules. In: Recent developments in algebraic and combinatorial aspects of representation theory. Vol 602. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI; 2013. 7. p. 73-98p. (Contemp. Math.; vol 602).Edit
Oliveira O., Gaio A., Villar M., Duarte R.. Predictors of treatment outcome in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Portugal. European Respiratory Journal. 2013;42:1747-1749.Edit
Oliveira O., Gaio A., Villar M., Duarte R. Predictors of treatment outcome in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Portugal. The European Respiratory Journal. 2013;42(6):1747-9.Edit
Nunes S, Oliveira PM, Coutinho JS. Robust SCC mixes through mix-design. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2013;25:183-193.Edit
Gothen PB, Oliveira AG. The singular fiber of the Hitchin map. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN. 2013:1079-1121.
Vieira P., Oliveira PM, Cunha Á. Stochastic Runge–Kutta Schemes for Discretization of Hysteretic Models. Vol Recent Developments in Modeling and Applications in Statistics, Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics Springer 2013.Edit
Santamaria F, Boffetta G, Afonso MM, Mazzino A, Onorato M, Pugliese D. Stokes drift for inertial particles transported by water waves. Europhysics Letters. 2013;102(1):14003: 1-5.Edit
Auinger K., Oliveira LA. On the variety of strict pseudosemilattices. Studia Sci. Math. Hungar.. 2013;50:207-241.Edit
