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Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is P and Author is Pinho, Eliana M.  [Clear All Filters]
Labouriau IS, Pinho EM. Projected wallpaper patterns. In: Real and complex singularities. Birkhäuser, Basel; 2007. 2. p. 209-217p. (Trends Math.).Edit
Labouriau IS, Pinho EM. Symmetries of projected wallpaper patterns. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.. 2006;141:421-441.Edit
M. Gomes GM, Labouriau IS, Pinho EM. Spatial hidden symmetries in pattern formation. In: Pattern formation in continuous and coupled systems (Minneapolis, MN, 1998). Vol 115. Springer, New York; 1999. 8. p. 83-99p. (IMA Vol. Math. Appl.; vol 115).Edit