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Revisiting concurrent separation logic. J. Log. Algebr. Methods Program.. 2017;89:41-66.Edit
The Role of Theory in Computer Science: Essays Dedicated to Janusz Brzozowski. Konstantinidis S, Moreira N, Reis R, Shallit J, editors World Scientific 2017.Edit
Semigroup actions of expanding maps. Journal of Statistical Physics. 2017;166(1):114-136.Edit
Solving Integro-Differential Equations with Spectral Methods. In: 3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation. Universidade do Minho ed. APMTAC; 2017. 2. p. 221-230p. Edit
A surface with canonical map of degree 24. International Journal of Mathematics. 2017;28(6).Edit
A surface with $q=2$ and canonical map of degree $16$. Michigan Mathematical Journal. 2017;66(1):99-105.
A Survey on Operational State Complexity. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics. 2017;21:251-310.Edit
On Takens Last Problem: tangencies and time averages near heteroclinic networks. Nonlinearity . 2017;30(5):1876-1910.Edit
On Takens' Last Problem: tangencies and time averages near heteroclinic networks. Nonlinearity. 2017;30:1876-1910.Edit
On the topology of a boolean representable simplicial complex. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2017;27(1):121-156.Edit
The centralizer of $C^r$-generic diffeomorphisms at hyperbolic basic sets is trivial. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.. 2018;146:247-260.Edit
Complete set of invariants for a Bykov attractor. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics. 2018;23(3):227-247.Edit
Quantitative recurrence for free semigroup actions. Nonlinearity. 2018;31(3):864-886.Edit
On sensitivity to initial conditions and uniqueness of conjugacies for structurally stable diffeomorphisms. Nonlinearity. 2018;31:293-313.Edit
A variational principle for free semigroup actions. Advances in Mathematics. 2018;334:450-487.Edit
Explicit Schoen surfaces. Algebraic Geometry. In Press.Edit
Explicit Schoen surfaces. Algebraic Geometry. In Press.Edit
A geometric approach to (semi)-groups defined by automata via dual transducers. Geometriae Dedicata. In Press.Edit
Groups and Semigroups Defined by Colorings of Synchronizing Automata. International Journal of Algebra and Computation. In Press.Edit
Maximal subgroups of amalgams of finite inverse semigroups. Semigroup Forum. In Press.Edit
New surfaces with $K^2=7$ and $p_g=q\leq 2$. The Asian Journal of Mathematics. In Press.Edit