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Proceedings of international conferences (peer reviewed)
Ferreira RA, Vale I, Barbosa A. Trilhos matemáticos: Um recurso a explorar na formação inicial de professores. In: EIEM 2016: Recursos para a educação matemática. Vol Investigação em Educação Matemática: Recursos na educação matemática.; 2016. 3. p. 355-368p. Edit
Oliveira PM, Valente PA. Simulation of the movement of a buoy submitted to a velocity field due to ocean currents and random wind forces. In: 3º Congresso de Métodos Numéricos em Ingeniería.; 1996. 9. p. 981-988p. Edit
Caiani EG, Pellegrini A., Bolea J, M. Soria L, Almeida R, Laguna P., et al. Selective beat averaging to evaluate ventricular repolarization adaptation to deconditioning after 5-days of head-down bed-rest. In: European Heart Journal. Vol 33.; 2012. 5. 573.Edit
Pellegrini A., Bolea J, M. Soria L, Sotaquira M., Almeida R, Laguna P., et al. Selective Beat Averaging to Evaluate Ventricular Repolarization Adaptation to Deconditioning after 5 Days of Head-Down Bed Rest. In: 2012 Computing in Cardiology (Cinc), Vol 39.; 2012. 6. p. 605-608p. Edit
Matos J, Rodrigues MJ, Vasconcelos PB. New implementation of the tau method for PDEs. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics (ICCAM-2002). Vol 164/165.; 2004. 5. p. 555-567p. Edit
de Oliveira PM, Valente PA. Monte Carlo Simulation of a Drifting Buoy on the Sea Surface Using a 6-Dimensional Model. In: Computational Physics, Chemistry and Biology.; 1997. 4. p. 41-46p. Edit
Mendes I., Vasconcelos PB. Lumping Method with Acceleration for the PageRank Computation. In: 2014 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. IEEE; 2014. 2. p. 221-224p. Edit
Vasconcelos PB, Roman JE, d'Almeida FD. Integral Operator Spectral Computations using PETSc/SLEPc libraries. In: Proenca A, Pina A, Tobio J.G, Ribeiro L, editors. IBERGRID: 4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings.; 2010. 3. p. 395-403p. Edit
Gouveia S., Rocha AP, Laguna P, Van De Borne P., Lago P. Improved BRS assessment using the global approach in the sequences technique. In: {Computers in Cardiology}. Vol {33}.; 2006. {. {p. 641-644p. }.Edit
Caiani EG, Pellegrini A., Bolea J, Sotaquira M., Soria M., Almeida R, et al. Impaired T-wave amplitude adaptation to heart-rate induced by cardiac deconditioning after 5-days of head-down bed-rest. In: Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC. Vol 1. Naples; 2012. 1. p. 114-121p. Edit
Konstantinidis S, Moreira N, Reis R. Generating Error Control Codes With Automata and Transducers. In: Bordihn H, Freund R, Nagy B, Vaszil G, editors. Eighth Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA 2016). Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft; 2016. 2. p. 211-226p. Edit
Gouveia S., Rocha AP, Van De Borne P., Laguna P. Factors influencing differences between invasive and spontaneous baroreflex estimates: distinct methods or different data?. In: {33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society (EMBS)}. {IEEE}; 2011. {. {p. 2554-2557p. }.Edit
Vasconcelos PB, Marques O.. Experiments with GPU-Acceleration for Solving a Radiative Transfer Problem. In: LNCS.; 2014. 5. p. 550-559p. Edit
Vieira P., Oliveira PM, Cunha Á. Estimation of the maximum displacement response in engineering structures with linear behaviour. In: LinStat 2010. Portugal, Tomar; 2010. Edit
Câmpeanu C, Moreira N, Reis R. On the Dissimilarity Operation on Finite Languages. In: Bordihn H, Freund R, Nagy B, Vaszil G, editors. Eighth Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA 2016). Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft; 2016. 1. p. 105-120p. Edit
Trindade M., Matos J., Vasconcelos PB. Dealing with functional coefficients within Tau method. In: 3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation. Universidade do Minho ed. APMTAC; 2017. 1. p. 11-26p. Edit
Gouveia S., Rocha AP, Laguna P, Van De Borne P.. Correlation between time domain baroreflex sensitivity and Sympathetic Nerve Activity. In: Murray A, editor. {37th Annual Conference of the Computing-in-Cardiology}. Vol {37}. {IEEE}; 2010. {. {p. 5-8p. }.Edit
Gavina A, Matos JM, Vasconcelos PB. Computation of Optimal Control Solutions with the Tau Method and an Error Estimator . In: Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), 2014 14th International Conference on . Portugal, Guimarães: IEEE; 2014. 1. p. 111-115p. Edit
Martinho MH, Ferreira RA, Vale I, Guimarães H. Atas do XXVII SIEM. In: XXVII SIEM: Seminário de Investigação em Educação Matemática. Vol Atas do XXVII SIEM.; 2016. Edit
Gouveia S., Rocha AP, Van De Borne P., Lago P. Assessing baroreflex sensitivity in the sequences technique: Local versus global approach. In: {32nd Annual Conference on Computers in Cardiology}. Vol {32}. {IEEE}; 2005. {. {p. 279-282p. }.Edit
Proceedings classified as book chapters
Vieira P., Oliveira PM, Cunha Á. Stochastic Runge–Kutta Schemes for Discretization of Hysteretic Models. Vol Recent Developments in Modeling and Applications in Statistics, Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics Springer 2013.Edit
