
Found 10 results
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Filters: Author is Jorge Almeida and First Letter Of Title is M  [Clear All Filters]
Almeida J. Minimal nonpermutative pseudovarieties of semigroups. I, II. Pacific J. Math.. 1986;121:257-270, 271-279.Edit
Almeida J. The mathematician Hugo Ribeiro. Portugal. Math.. 1995;52:1-14.Edit
[2009-13] Almeida J, Steinberg B. Matrix Mortality and the Cerny-Pin Conjecture .Edit
Almeida J, Steinberg B. Matrix mortality and the Černý-Pin conjecture. In: Developments in language theory. Vol 5583. Springer, Berlin; 2009. 6. p. 67-80p. (Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci.; vol 5583).Edit
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