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Delgado M., Farrán J., García-Sánchez PA, Llena D.. On the generalized Feng-Rao numbers of numerical semigroups generated by intervals. Math. Comp.. 2013;82:1813-1836.Edit
Mattei JF, Rebelo JC, Reis H. Generic pseudogroups on (C,0) and the topology of leaves. Compositio Mathematica. 2013;149(8):1401-1430.Edit
Moutinho-Pereira S., Stuurman N., Afonso O, Hornsveld M., Aguiar P, Goshima G., et al. Genes involved in centrosome-independent mitotic spindle assembly in Drosophila S2 cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2013;110:19808-19813.Edit
Alves JF, Dias CL, Luzzatto S. Geometry of expanding absolutely continuous invariant measures and the liftability problem. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire. 2013;30:101-120.Edit
Alarcón B, Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Global dynamics for symmetric planar maps. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.. 2013;33:2241-2251.
[2013-22] Broda S, Machiavelo A, Moreira N, Reis R. Glushkov and Equation Automata for KAT Expressions .
Guedes de Oliveira A. Graphs of polyhedra and the Theorem of Steinitz 2013.
Tomás AP. Guarding the vertices of thin orthogonal polygons is NP-hard. In: EGC 2013 – XV Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry. Vol EGC 2013 – XV Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry (Informal Proceedings). University of Seville, Spain ed.; 2013. 1. p. 11-14p.
Tomás AP. Guarding Thin Orthogonal Polygons Is Hard. In: Fundamentals of Computation Theory. Vol 19th International Symposium, FCT 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8070. UK, Liverpool: Springer; 2013. 3. p. 305-316p.
