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Maia E, Moreira N, Reis R. Partial Derivative and Position Bisimilarity Automata. Vol 8587. Holzer M, Kutrib M, editors SV 2014 (LNCS; vol 8587).Edit
de Sá CC, Silva M. Pentagonos, y otras figuras de muchos lados no «Libro de Algebra» de Pedro Nunes. In: 6º Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de História da Matemática. Vol Anais/Actas do 6º Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de História da Matemática. Sociedade Brasileira de História da Matemática ed. Brasil, São João d'El-Rei: Sociedade Brasileira de História da Matemática; 2014. 3. p. 331-350p. Edit
Sá CC, Silva MC. «PENTAGONOS, Y OTRAS FIGURAS DE MUCHOS LADOS» NO LIBRO DE ALGEBRA DE PEDRO NUNES. Vol Anais/Actas do 6º Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de História da Matemática. Brasil, S. João del Rey: Sérgio Nobre, Fábio Bertato, Luis Saraiva; 2014. 3. p. 331-350p. Edit
Carvalho M, Magalhães MA. Periodic points of Ruelle-expanding maps. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems. 2014;Volume 13(Issue 2 ):215-251 .
Labouriau IS, Murza A.. Periodic solutions in an array of coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo cells. J. Math. Anal. Appl.. 2014;412:29-40.Edit
Yakubovich SB. The Plancherel, Titchmarsh and convolution theorems for the half-Hartley transform. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.. 2014;25:836-848.
Polynomial problems of the Casas-Alvero type. J. Class. Anal. . 2014;4(2):97-120.
Loureiro AF, Maroni P., Yakubovich SB. On a polynomial sequence associated with the Bessel operator. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.. 2014;142:467-482.Edit
Dias C., Silva M., Pereira E., Silva S., Cerejo A, Smielewski P., et al. Post-traumatic multimodal brain monitoring: Response to hypertonic saline. Journal of Neurotrauma. 2014;31:1872-1880.Edit
Pedrosa AC, Gama SM. Probabilidade e Estatística: Teoria e Prática com Excel Plural Editores (Grupo Porto Editora) 2014.Edit
Pinho EM, Labouriau IS. On the projection of functions invariant under the action of a crystallographic group. J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 2014;218:37-51.Edit
Sousa M., Szucs P., Lima D., Aguiar P. The pronociceptive dorsal reticular nucleus contains mostly tonic neurons and shows a high prevalence of spontaneous activity in block preparation. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2014;111:1507-1518.Edit
[2013-27] Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A Parametric Family of Subalgebras of the Weyl Algebra I. Structure and Automorphisms .Edit
Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A parametric family of subalgebras of the Weyl algebra II. Irreducible modules. In: Recent developments in algebraic and combinatorial aspects of representation theory. Vol 602. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI; 2013. 7. p. 73-98p. (Contemp. Math.; vol 602).Edit
Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A Parametric Family of Subalgebras of the Weyl Algebra II. Irreducible Modules. In: Contemp. Math. Vol 602 Recent developments in algebraic and combinatorial aspects of representation theory.; 2013. 7. p. 73-98p. Edit
[2013-28] Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A Parametric Family of Subalgebras of the Weyl Algebra II. Irreducible Modules .Edit
Labouriau IS, Rodrigues AA. Partial symmetry breaking and heteroclinic tangencies. In: Progress and challenges in dynamical systems. Vol 54. Springer, Heidelberg; 2013. 2. p. 281-299p. Edit
[2013-2] Labouriau IS, Rodrigues AA. Partial symmetry breaking and heteroclinic tangencies .Edit
Pinto N. Paternity exclusion power: Comparative behaviour of autosomal and X-chromosomal markers in standard and deficient cases with inbreeding. Forensic Science International: Genetics. 2013;7:290-295.Edit
Rodaro E, Silva PV. On periodic points of free inverse monoid endomorphisms. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2013;23:1789-1804.
Rodaro E, Silva PV. On periodic points of free inverse monoid endomorphisms. International Journal of Algebra and Computation. 2013;23(8):1789-1803.
[2013-4] Labouriau IS, Murza AC. Periodic solutions in an array of coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo cells .Edit
Rodrigues AA. Persistent switching near a heteroclinic model for the geodynamo problem. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals . 2013;47 :73-86.Edit
Carvalho M, Cavadas S. Playing in the limit. Vol 69 Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 2013.Edit
Ribeiro C., Ladeira I., Gaio A., Brito MC. Pneumococcal pneumonia-are the new severity scores more accurate in predictingadverse outcomes? [Pneumonia pneumocócica-serão os novos scoresmais precisos a prever eventos desfavoráveis?]. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia. 2013;19:252-259.Edit
