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Rito C.. A surface with canonical map of degree 24. International Journal of Mathematics. 2017;28(6).Edit
Rito C. A surface with $q=2$ and canonical map of degree $16$. Michigan Mathematical Journal. 2017;66(1):99-105.
Gao Y, Moreira N, Reis R, Yu S. A Survey on Operational State Complexity. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics. 2017;21:251-310.Edit
[2017-27] Macedo Â., Mesquita T., da Rocha Z.. Symbolic approach to the general quadratic polynomial decomposition .Edit
Soares P. Synchrony branching lemma for regular networks. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst.. 2017;16:1869-1892.Edit
