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[2011-4] Krausshar R., Rodrigues M., Vieira N. The Schrödinger semigroup on some flat and non flat manifolds .Edit
Blanco V, García-Sánchez PA, Geroldinger A.. Semigroup-theoretical characterizations of arithmetical invariants with applications to numerical monoids and Krull monoids. Illinois J. Math.. 2011;55:1385-1414 (2013).Edit
[2011-34] Yakubovich SB. On some Rajchman measures and equivalent Salem’s problem .
[2011-22] Rodrigues A., Labouriau IS. Spiralling dynamics near heteroclinic networks .
Pribavkina EV, Rodaro E. State complexity for code operators. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. 2011;22(7):1669-1681.Edit
Freitas AC, Freitas JM, Todd M. Statistical properties of the maximum for non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamics. Vol Dynamics, games and science. {I} Portugal, Braga: Springer, Heidelberg 2011 (Springer Proc. Math.; vol Dynamics, games and science. {I}).
Freitas JM, Todd M. Statistical stability for equilibrium states. Vol Dynamics, games and science. {II}. Peixoto M., Pinto A., Rand D., editors Portugal, Braga: Springer Proc. Math. 2011.Edit
[2011-37] Broda S, Machiavelo A, Moreira N, Reis R. Study of the Average Size of Glushkov and Partial Derivative Automata .
Burciu S, Kadison L, Külshammer B. On subgroup depth. Int. Electron. J. Algebra. 2011;9:133-166.Edit
Burciu S, Kadison L. Subgroups of depth three. In: Surveys in differential geometry. Volume XV. Perspectives in mathematics and physics. Vol 15. Int. Press, Somerville, MA; 2011. 1. p. 17-36p. Edit
Pribavkina EV, Rodaro E. Synchronizing automata with finitely many minimal synchronizing words. Information and Computation. 2011;209(3):568-579.Edit
