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Costa JP, Moreira I, Almeida J, Preto A, Melo R, Gumus ZH, et al. Co-evolution importance on binding Hot-Spot prediction methods. In: Proceedings of MOL2NET 2016, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences, 2nd edition.; 2017. Edit
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Matos V, MARCHESIN DA. Compositional flow in porous media: Riemann problem for three alkanes. Quart. Appl. Math.. 2017;75(4):737-767.Edit
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Guerreiro A., Ferreira RA, Menezes L., Martinho M.. Comunicação na sala de aula: A perspetiva do ensino exploratório de matemática. Zetetiké. 2015;23(44):279-295.Edit
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