Pinto CM. A coinfection model for HIV and HCV. BioSystems. 2014;124:46-60. |
Pinto CM. New findings on the dynamics of HIV and TB coinfection models. Appl. Math. Comput.. 2014;242:36-46. |
Pinto CM, Carvalho AR. Mathematical model for HIV dynamics in HIV-specific helper cells. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul.. 2014;19:693-701. |
Pinto C., Lopes A., Machado J.. Double power laws, fractals and self-similarity. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2014;38:4019-4026. |
Abdolvahad M., Carello C., Pinto C., Turvey M., Frank T.. Symmetry and order parameter dynamics of the human odometer. Biological Cybernetics. 2014. |
Pinto CM. Exciting dynamical behavior in a network of two coupled rings of Chen oscillators. Nonlinear Dynam.. 2014;78:1245-1259. |
Pinto C., Machado J.. Fractional Dynamics of Computer Virus Propagation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2014;2014:7. |
Lopes AM, Machado J., Pinto C., Galhano AM. Multidimensional scaling visualization of earthquake phenomena. Journal of Seismology. 2014;18:163-179. |