Maria João Rodrigues

Matos JM, Rodrigues MJ, de Matos JC. Explicit formulae for derivatives and primitives of orthogonal polynomials.. 2017.
de Matos JC, Matos JM, Rodrigues MJ. Solving differential and integral equations with Tau method.. 2017.
Matos JM, Rodrigues M., Matos J.. Solving Integro-Differential Equations with Spectral Methods. In: 3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation. Universidade do Minho ed. APMTAC; 2017. 2. p. 221-230p.
de Matos JC, Matos JM, Rodrigues MJ. Filtering the Tau method with Frobenius-Padé Approximants.. 2017.
de Matos JC, Matos JM, Rodrigues MJ. On the Localization of Zeros and Poles of Chebyshev-Padé Approximants from Perturbed Functions. Vol Lecture Notes in Computational Science, vol 8584 Portugal, Guimarães: Springer International Publishing 2014.
Rodrigues MJ, Matos JM. A tau method for nonlinear dynamical systems. Numerical Algorithms. 2013;62(4):583-600.
Matos J., Rodrigues MJ, Vasconcelos PB. New implementation of the Tau method for PDEs. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2004;164(1):555-567.
Matos J, Rodrigues MJ, Vasconcelos PB. New implementation of the tau method for PDEs. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics (ICCAM-2002). Vol 164/165.; 2004. 5. p. 555-567p.
d'Almeida FD, Rodrigues MJ. Is the iterative refinement of eigenelements an expensive technique?. In: Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on computational and applied mathematics (Leuven, 1986). Vol 20.; 1987. 1. p. 159-166p.