Samuel Lopes

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Annual reportSamuel Lopes's Annual Report Samuel Lopes07 years 6 months ago
SeminarGraph complexes and applications Samuel Lopes07 years 7 months ago
PublicationA multiparameter family of irreducible representations of the quantum plane and of the quantum Weyl algebra Samuel Lopes07 years 9 months ago
SeminarHochschild (co)homology of down-up algebras Samuel Lopes08 years 1 month ago
SeminarA Poisson Gel'fand-Kirillov problem in positive characteristic. Samuel Lopes08 years 6 months ago
SeminarUniversal central extensions of Hom-Leibniz algebras Samuel Lopes08 years 6 months ago
ConferenceAMS-EMS-SPM International Meeting 2015 Samuel Lopes08 years 6 months ago
PublicationNon-Noetherian generalized Heisenberg algebras Samuel Lopes08 years 10 months ago
Annual reportSamuel Lopes's Annual Report Samuel Lopes09 years 4 months ago
Annual reportSamuel Lopes's Annual Report Samuel Lopes09 years 4 months ago
Publication Samuel Lopes09 years 4 months ago
Publication Samuel Lopes09 years 4 months ago
PublicationSeparation of variables for $U_q(\germsl_n+1)^+$ Samuel Lopes09 years 4 months ago
PublicationPrimitive ideals of $U_q(\germ sl^+_n)$ Samuel Lopes09 years 4 months ago
PublicationAutomorphisms and derivations of $U_q(\germ s\germ l^+_4)$ Samuel Lopes09 years 4 months ago
PublicationA parametric family of subalgebras of the Weyl algebra II. Irreducible modules Samuel Lopes09 years 4 months ago
Site BuilderEscola de Verão de Matemática Samuel Lopes09 years 4 months ago
PublicationSeparation of Variables for $U_q(\mathbfsl_n+1)^+$ Samuel Lopes09 years 10 months ago
