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Rita Gaio
Rita Gaio
(active tab)
Annual reports
Cumbe VF
Pala AN
Palha AJ
Gaio A.
Esteves MF
Mari Jd
, et al.
Burnout Syndrome and Coping Strategies in Portuguese Oncology Health Care Providers
. Archives of Clinical Psychiatry. 2017;44(5):122-6.
Oliveira A
Faria BM
Gaio A.
Reis LP
Data Mining in Hiv-Aids Surveillance System Application to Portuguese Data
. Journal of Medical Systems. 2017;4:41-51.
Rocha V
Marques C
Figueiredo J.
Gaio A.
Costa P.
Lobo JM
, et al.
In Vitro Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Resveratrol-Loaded Nanoparticles: Focus on the Challenges of in Vitro Methodologies
. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2017;103:214-222.
Costa CA
Gaio A.
de Campos DA
Bernardes J
Longitudinal Changes of Cardiotocographic Parameters Throughout Pregnancy: a Prospective Cohort Study Comparing Small-For-Gestational-Age and Normal Fetuses from 24 to 40 Weeks
. Journal of Perinatal Medicine. 2017;45(4):493-501.
Oliveira M.
Gaio A.
Gomes M.
Gonçalves A.
Duarte R
Mycobacterium Avium Infection in Portugal
. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2017;21(2):218-222.
Lucas R
Martins A
Severo M
Silva P.
Monjardino T
Gaio A.
, et al.
Quantitative Modelling of Hip Fracture Trends in 14 European Countries: Testing Variations of a Shared Reversal over Time
. Scientific Reports. 2017;7(1):1-9.
Dias M
Gaio A.
Sousa P
Abranches M.
Gomes M.
Oliveira O.
, et al.
Tuberculosis Among the Homeless: Should We Change the Strategy?
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2017;21(3):327-332.
Francisco J.
Oliveira O.
Felgueiras Ó
Gaio A.
Duarte R.
How much is too much alcohol in tuberculosis?
Eur Respir J.. 2017;49(1):1601468.
Oliveira A
Gaio A.
Da Costa J
Reis LP
An Approach for Assessing the Distribution of Reporting Delay in Portuguese Aids Data
. In:
L.p. RAadeli H
, editor. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol 445. Springer Verlag; 2016. 6. p. 641-649p. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; vol 445).
Costa JP
Oliveira A
Gaio A.
Da Costa J
Reis LP
An approach for assessing the distribution of reporting delay in Portuguese AIDS data
. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing.; 2016.
Franco I.
Sousa P.
Gomes M.
Oliveira A.
Gaio A.
Duarte R.
Social profile of the highest-tuberculosis incidence areas in Portugal.
Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia (English Edition). 2016;22(1):50-56.
Costa JP
P Marques F
Fernandes C.
Gaio A.
Da Costa J
Guilherme F.
The sampling methodology to facilitate biodiversity assessment in public green spaces
Melo V.
Baía L.
Gaio A.
Duarte R.
Silicosis, tuberculosis time bomb?
Rev Port Pneumol. 2016;22(6):355-357.
Farinha-Marques P.
Fernandes C.
Gaio A.
Costa JP
Guilherme F.
A sampling methodology to facilitate biodiversity assessment in public green spaces.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2016;20:218-226.
Coutinho D.
Sousa P.
Oliveira O.
Gaio A.
Duarte R.
Can silicosis explain it all?
Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia (English Edition). 2016;22(6):358-360.
Sousa P.
Oliveira A.
Gomes M.
Gaio A.
Duarte R.
Longitudinal clustering of tuberculosis incidence and predictors for the time profiles: the impact of HIV.
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis.. 2016;20(8).
Severo M.
Trindade P.
Gaio A.
Avaliação temporal do conhecimento matemático dos alunos da FCUP à entrada do ensino superior - Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística
Amorim-Costa C.
Gaio A.
Ayres-de-Campos D.
Bernardes J
Longitudinal changes of cardiotocographic parameters throughout pregnancy: a prospective cohort study comparing small-for-gestational-age and normal fetuses from 24 to 40 weeks.
J Perinat Med. . 2016.
Cordeiro-da-Costa J.
Oliveira O.
Baía L.
Gaio A.
Correia-Neves M.
Duarte R.
Prevalence and factors associated to Diabetes mellitus among Tuberculosis patients: a nationwide cohort.
European Respiratory Journal . 2016;48:264-268.
Paulino J
Martins A
Machado M
Gomes M.
Gaio A.
Duarte R
Tuberculosis in native- and foreign-born populations in Portugal.
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis.. 2016;20(3):357-362.
P Marques F
Fernandes C.
Gaio A.
Costa JP
Guilherme F.
A Sampling Methodology to Facilitate Biodiversity Assessment in Public Green Spaces
. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. 2016;20:218-226.
Sousa R
Oliveira A
Gomes M.
Gaio A.
Duarte R
Longitudinal Clustering of Tuberculosis Incidence and Predictors for the Time Profiles: the Impact of Hiv
. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2016;20(8):1027-32.
Fernandes R
Campos P
Gaio A.
An Agent-Based Micmac Model for Forecasting of the Portuguese Population
. In:
Pereira F
Machado P
Costa E.
Cardoso A.
, editors. Progress in Artificial Intelligence. {Springer-Verlag Berlin, AddressHEIDELBERGER PLATZ 3, D-14197 BERLIN, GERMANY; 2015. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
Guedes-Martins L
Saraiva J.
Gaio A.
Reynolds A.
Macedo F.
Almeida H.
Uterine artery Doppler in the management of early pregnancy loss: A prospective, longitudinal study
. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2015;15(28).
Fernandes R.
Campos P
Gaio A.
An agent-based MicMac model for forecasting of the Portuguese population
. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2015;9273:702-707.
Araújo J.
Teixeira J.
Gaio A.
Lopes C.
Ramos E.
Dietary patterns among 13-y-old Portuguese adolescents
. Nutrition. 2015;31:148-154.
Spinola CF
Campos M.
Gaio A.
Correia M.
Gomes M.
Duarte R
Tuberculosis deaths in Northern Portugal. Predictors of mortality during TB treatment - A five-year analysis (2008-2012)
. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia (English Edition). 2015;21:307-313.
Severo M
Gaio A.
Povo A
Silva-Pereira F
Ferreira M.
Evidence-Based Decision About Test Scoring Rules in Clinical Anatomy Multiple-Choice Examinations
. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2015;8(3).
Guedes-Martins L
Gaio A.
Saraiva J.
Cunha A.
Macedo F.
Almeida H.
Uterine artery impedance during puerperium in normotensive and chronic hypertensive pregnant women.
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics . 2015;291(6):1237-1246.
Dias C
Gaio A.
Monteiro E
Barbosa S.
Cerejo A
Donnely J
, et al.
Kidney-Brain Link in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients? A Preliminary Report
. Neurocritical Care. 2015;22(2):192-201.
Guedes-Martins L
Gaio A.
Saraiva J.
Cunha A.
Macedo F.
Almeida H.
Uterine artery impedance during the rst eight postpartum weeks
. Scientific Reports. 2015.
Ramos S
Nogueira A.
Dias A
Gonçalves A.
Gaio A.
Duarte R
Tuberculosis screening in patients receiving biological therapy.
Acta Reumatológica Portuguesa. 2015;40(3).
Guedes-Martins L
Carvalho M.
Silva C.
Saraiva J.
Macedo F.
Almeida H.
, et al.
Relationship between body mass index and mean arterial pressure in normotensive and chronic hypertensive pregnant women: A prospective, longitudinal study
. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2015;15.
Reina S
Silva C
Gaio A.
Correia A.
Duarte R
HIV screening in tuberculosis patients, in the Northern Region of Portugal.
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2015;19(12).
Guedes-Martins L
Silva E.
Gaio A.
Saraiva J.
Soares A.
Afonso J.
, et al.
Fetal-maternal interface impedance parallels local NADPH oxidase related superoxide production
. Redox Biology. 2015;5:114-123.
Guimarães M.
Oliveira O.
Teixeira C.
Gaio A.
Duarte R.
Delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis.
Rev Port Pneumol. 2015;Aug 17:346-348.
Guedes-Martins L
Gaio A.
Saraiva J.
Cerdeira S.
Matos L.
Silva E.
, et al.
Reference Ranges for uterine artery pulsatility index during the menstrual cycle: A cross-sectional study
. PLoS ONE. 2015;10:1DUMMY.
Meireles J.
Gaio A.
Duarte R.
Factors influencing tuberculosis screening in healthcare workers in Portugal
. European Respiratory Journal. 2015;45:834-838.
Guedes-Martins L
Saraiva J.
Felgueiras Ó
Carvalho M.
Cerdeira A
Macedo F.
, et al.
Uterine artery impedance during puerperium in normotensive and chronic hypertensive pregnant women
. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2014.
Severo M.
Gaio A.
Povo A.
Silva-Pereira F.
Ferreira M.
Evidence-based decision about test scoring rules in clinical anatomy multiple-choice examinations
. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2014.
Guedes-Martins L
Saraiva J
Gaio A.
Macedo F
Almeida H.
Internal iliac and uterine arteries Doppler ultrasound in the assessment of normotensive and chronic hypertensive pregnant women.
Scientific Reports. 2014;4(3785).
Monjardino T.
Lucas R.
Ramos E.
Lopes C.
Gaio A.
Barros H.
Associations between a posteriori defined dietary patterns and bone mineral density in adolescents
. European Journal of Nutrition. 2014.
Guedes-Martins L
Saraiva J
Gaio A.
Macedo F
Almeida H.
Uterine artery impedance at very early clinical pregnancy.
Prenatal Diagnosis. 2014;34(8):719-25.
Ladeira I.
Correia A.
Dias J.
Gaio A.
Carvalho I.
Carvalho A.
, et al.
Confirming the diagnosis of tuberculosis in children in Northern Portugal
. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2014;18:531-533+i.
Guedes-Martins L
Saraiva J
Rita-Gaio A.
Cerdeira A
Macedo F
Almeida H.
Foetal aortic flow velocity waveforms in healthy and hypertensive pregnant women
. Cardiovascular Ultrasound. 2014;12(1).
Dias C.
Silva M.
Pereira E.
Silva S.
Cerejo A
Smielewski P.
, et al.
Post-traumatic multimodal brain monitoring: Response to hypertonic saline
. Journal of Neurotrauma. 2014;31:1872-1880.
Monjardino T
Lucas R
Ramos E
Lopes C
Gaio A.
Barros H.
Associations between a posteriori defined dietary patterns and bone mineral density in adolescents
. European Journal of Nutrition. 2014;54(2):273-282.
Costa JP
Gaio A.
The incidence of AIDS in Portugal adjusted for reporting delay and underreporting
. In: Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI.; 2014.
Guedes-Martins L
Graça H.
Saraiva JP
Guedes L
Gaio A.
Cerdeira A
, et al.
The effects of spinal anaesthesia for elective caesarean section on uterine and umbilical arterial pulsatility indexes in normotensive and chronic hypertensive pregnant women: a prospective longitudinal study
. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2014;14.
Oliveira A
Costa JP
Gaio A.
The incidence of aids in portugal adjusted for reporting delay and underreporting.
. In: iberian conference on information systems and technologies, cisti.; 2014.
Ribeiro C.
Ladeira I.
Gaio A.
Brito MC
Pneumococcal pneumonia-are the new severity scores more accurate in predictingadverse outcomes? [Pneumonia pneumocócica-serão os novos scoresmais precisos a prever eventos desfavoráveis?]
. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia. 2013;19:252-259.
Oliveira O.
Gaio A.
Villar M.
Duarte R.
Predictors of treatment outcome in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Portugal
. European Respiratory Journal. 2013;42:1747-1749.
Mendes M.
Gaio A.
Reis R.
Duarte R.
Contact screening in tuberculosis: Can we identify those with higher risk?
European Respiratory Journal. 2013;41:758-760.
Oliveira O.
Gaio A.
Villar M.
Duarte R
Predictors of treatment outcome in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Portugal
. The European Respiratory Journal. 2013;42(6):1747-9.
Mendes MA
Gaio A.
Reis R
Duarte R
Contact screening in tuberculosis: can we identify those with higher risk?
The European Respiratory Journal. 2013;41(3):758-60.
Gaio A.
da Costa JP
Santos AC
Ramos E
Lopes C
A restricted mixture model for dietary pattern analysis in small samples
. Stat. Med.. 2012;31:2137-2150.
Vilas-Boas V.
Silva R.
Gaio A.
Martins A.
Lima S.
Cordeiro-da-Silva A.
, et al.
P-glycoprotein activity in human Caucasian male lymphocytes does not follow its increased expression during aging
. Cytometry Part A. 2011;79 A:912-919.
Severo M.
Gaio A.
Lourenço P.
Alvelos M.
Bettencourt P.
Azevedo A
Indirect calibration between clinical observers - Application to the New York Heart Association functional classification system
. BMC Research Notes. 2011;4.
Rodríguez-Artalejo F.
Gaio A.
Santos A.
Ramos E.
Lopes C.
Major Habitual Dietary Patterns Are Associated with Acute Myocardial Infarction and Cardiovascular Risk Markers in a Southern European Population
. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2011;111:241-250.
Severo M.
Gaio A.
Lucas R.
Barros H.
Assessment of the general public's knowledge about rheumatic diseases: Evidence from a Portuguese population-based survey
. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2010;11.
Gaio A.
Salamon D.
Erratum: Gromov-witten invariants of symplectic quotients and adiabatic limits (Journal of Symplectic Geometry)
. Journal of Symplectic Geometry. 2009;7:377-379.
Nunes B.
Gaio A.
Carvalho F.
Guilhermino L.
Behaviour and biomarkers of oxidative stress in Gambusia holbrooki after acute exposure to widely used pharmaceuticals and a detergent
. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2008;71:341-354.
Almeida I.
Gaio A.
Bahia M.
Hedonic and descriptive skinfeel analysis of two oleogels: Comparison with other topical formulations
. Journal of Sensory Studies. 2008;23:92-113.
Capela J.
Ruscher K.
Lautenschlager M.
Freyer D.
Dirnagl U.
Gaio A.
, et al.
Ecstasy-induced cell death in cortical neuronal cultures is serotonin 2A-receptor-dependent and potentiated under hyperthermia
. Neuroscience. 2006;139:1069-1081.
Almeida I.
Gaio A.
Bahia M.
Estimation of hedonic responses from descriptive skin sensory data by chi-square minimization
. Journal of Sensory Studies. 2006;21:2-19.
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