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Hopf Bifurcation with D_n-symmetry. Glasgow Mathematical Journal. 2006;48:41-51.
Hopf bifurcation with S3-symmetry. Portugalia Mathematica. 2006;63(2):127-155.Edit
Hopf Bifurcation with S_3-symmetry. PortugaliÆ Mathematica. 2006;63(2):127-155.
Limit distribution for the weighted rank correlation coefficient, $r_W$. REVSTAT. 2006;4:189-200.Edit
Local bifurcation in symmetric coupled cell networks: linear theory. Physica D. 2006;223:93-108.Edit
A measures of performance of self compacting concrete mixtures. In: Computational Statistics, COMPSTAT.; 2006. 1. p. 1079-1085p. Edit
A Methodology to assess robustness of SCC mixtures”, Cement and Concret Research. Cement and Concret Research. 2006;36:2115-2122.Edit
A note on Hopf bifurcation with dihedral group symmetry. Glasgow Mathematical Journal. 2006;48(1):41-51.Edit
Optimal Strategies and Transitions between Them in Arnold’s Model,. Doklady Mathematics. 2006;74(1):566-568.Edit
Optimal strategies and transitions between them in Arnold’s model. Doklady Mathematics. 2006;74(1):566-568.Edit
a partitional clustering algorithm validated by a clustering tendency index based on graph theory. pattern recognition. 2006;39:776-788.Edit
Performance Evaluation of a Parallel Algorithm for a Radiative Transfer Problem. In: Dongarra J, Madsen K, Waśniewski J, editors. Applied Parallel Computing. State of the Art in Scientific Computing: 7th International Workshop, PARA 2004, Lyngby, Denmark, June 20-23, 2004. Revised Selected Papers. Vol 3732. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2006. 8. p. 864-871p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 3732).Edit
Performance Evaluation of a Parallel Algorithm for a Radiative Transfer Problem. In: Dongarra J, Madsen K, Waśniewski J, editors. Applied Parallel Computing. State of the Art in Scientific Computing: 7th International Workshop, PARA 2004, Lyngby, Denmark, June 20-23, 2004. Revised Selected Papers. Vol 3732. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2006. 8. p. 864-871p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 3732).Edit
Relative abelian kernels of some classes of transformation monoids. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.. 2006;73:375-404.Edit
Robustez do BAC. In: 4ªs Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia de Estruturas.; 2006. 1. 12.Edit
Secondary Bifurcations in Systems with All-to-All Coupling. Part II. Dynamical Systems. 2006;21:439-463.Edit
Spectral refinement for clustered eigenvalues of quasi-diagonal matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 2006;413:394-402.Edit
[2006-25] Synchrony in Lattice Differential Equations .Edit
12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2005 Covilha, Portugal, December 5-8, 2005 - Introduction. In: Bento C., Cardoso A., Dias G., editors. Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings. Vol 3808.; 2005. 2. 235. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; vol 3808).Edit
12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2005 Covilha, Portugal, December 5-8, 2005 - Introduction. In: Bento C., Cardoso A., Dias G., editors. Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings. Vol 3808.; 2005. 2. 235. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; vol 3808).Edit
classification of ordinal data using neural networks. machine learning: ecml 2005, proceedings. 2005;3720:690-697.Edit
Classification of ordinal data using neural networks. In: Gama J., Camacho R, Brazdil P., Jorge A, Torgo L., editors. Machine Learning: Ecml 2005, Proceedings. Vol 3720.; 2005. 6. p. 690-697p. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; vol 3720).Edit