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Simões ML, Milheiro-Oliveira P. Modelação do atraso dos veículos em cruzamentos semaforizados .Edit
Simões M., Costa A., Oliveira PM. Simulation Based Design of Optimal Phasing Plans for an Intersection with Semi-Actuated Signals. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing.; 2009. 2. 246.Edit
Simões Md, de Oliveira PM, Costa AP. Análise de filas de espera com pausas do servidor para controle de tráfego 2005.Edit
Silva PV. Fixed points of endomorphisms over special confluent rewriting systems. Monatsh. Math.. 2010;161:417-447.
[2012-10] Silva PV. Fixed points of endomorphisms of virtually free groups .
Silva MC, Estrada MF. José Anastácio da Cunha e a Álgebra do seu tempo. CMUM ed. Portugal, Braga: Universidade do Minho. Centro de Matemática (CMAT) 2005.Edit
Silva MC. The algebraic content of Bento Fernandes’s Tratado da arte de arismetica (1555). Historia Mathematica . 2008;35 :190-219.Edit
[2006-7] Silva PV, Weil P. On an algorithm to decide whether a free group is a free factor of another .Edit
Silva PV. The word problem for nilpotent inverse monoids. Semigroup Forum. 1995;51:285-293.
[2010-15] Silva PV. Fixed points of endomorphisms of certain free products .
Silva PV. Fixed points of endomorphisms of certain free products. RAIRO Theor. Inform. Appl.. 2012;46:165-179.
[2006-37] M. Silva C, Malet A. A note on Pérez de Moya’s Principios de Geometria (1584) .Edit
[2008-23] Silva PV, Weil P. On finite-index extensions of subgroups of free groups .Edit
[2015-41] M. Silva C. On the circulation of algebraic knowledge in the Iberian península:the sources of Pérez de Moya's Tratado de Arithmetica (1573) .Edit
Silva MC. On the circulation of algebraic knowledge in the Iberian península: the sources of Pérez de Moya's Tratado de Arithmetica (1573). Revue d'histoire des mathématiques . 2016;2:145-184.Edit
[2013-25] Silva PV. Teoria Geométrica de Grupos (notas de curso, Universidade Federal da Bahia) .
Silva PV. A note on primeness of semigroup rings. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A. 1992;120:191-197.
Silva PV. An application of first-order logic to the study of recognizable languages. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2004;14:785-799.
Silva P., Travassos B, Vilar L, Aguiar P, Davids K, Araújo D, et al. Numerical relations and skill level constrain co-adaptive behaviors of agents in sports teams. PloS one. 2014;9:e107112.Edit
Silva PV. On unique factorization semilattices. Discuss. Math. Gen. Algebra Appl.. 2000;20:97-120.
Silva MC. Renaissance sources of Juan Pérez de Moya’s geometries. Asclepio. Revista de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia. 2013;65 (2)(julio-diciembre ):1-18.Edit
[2014-19] Silva PV. An automata-theoretic approach to the study of fixed points of endomorphisms (to appear in a volume of the series Advanced Courses in Mathematics CRM Barcelona, Birkhäuser) .
Silva PV. Conjugacy and transposition for inverse monoid presentations. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 1996;6:607-622.
Silva PV. A note on pure and $p$-pure languages. Acta Inform.. 2003;39:579-595.
[2015-26] Silva MC, Magalhães ML. Vida e Obra de Luis Inacio Woodhouse (1857-1927) .Edit
