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Aimino R, Nicol M, Todd M. Recurrence statistics for the space of interval exchange maps and the Teichmüller flow on the space of translation surfaces. Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Probab. Stat.. 2017;53:1371-1401.Edit
Aimino R, Nicol M, Vaienti S. Annealed and quenched limit theorems for random expanding dynamical systems. Probab. Theory Related Fields. 2015;162:233-274.Edit
Aimino R, Hu H, Nicol M, Török A, Vaienti S. Polynomial loss of memory for maps of the interval with a neutral fixed point. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.. 2015;35:793-806.Edit
Aimino R, Rousseau J. Concentration inequalities for sequential dynamical systems of the unit interval. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems. 2016;36:2384-2407.Edit
Ahues M, d'Almeida FD, Largillier A., Titaud O, Vasconcelos PB. An L1 refined projection approximate solution of the radiation transfer equation in stellar atmospheres. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2002;140:13-26.Edit
Ahues M, d'Almeida FD, Largillier A, Vasconcelos PB. Spectral refinement for clustered eigenvalues of quasi-diagonal matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 2006;413:394-402.Edit
Ahues M, d'Almeida FD, Largillier A, Vasconcelos PB. Defect correction for spectral computations for a singular integral operator. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis. 2006;5:241-250.Edit
Ahues M, Largillier A, d'Almeida FD, Vasconcelos PB. Spectral refinement on quasi-diagonal matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 2005;401:109-117.Edit
Aguiló-Gost F, Sánchez PA, Llena D.. An algorithm to compute the primitive elements of an embedding dimension three numerical semigroup. In: Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science (Spanish). Vol 46. Elsevier Sci. B. V., Amsterdam; 2014. 1. p. 185-192p. (Electron. Notes Discrete Math.; vol 46).Edit
Aguiló-Gost F, García-Sánchez PA, Llena D.. On the number of $\ssfL$-shapes in embedding dimension four numerical semigroups. Discrete Math.. 2015;338:2168-2178.Edit
Aguiló-Gost F, García-Sánchez PA. Factorization and catenary degree in 3-generated numerical semigroups. In: European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroComb 2009). Vol 34. Elsevier Sci. B. V., Amsterdam; 2009. 1. p. 157-161p. (Electron. Notes Discrete Math.; vol 34).Edit
Aguiló-Gost F, García-Sánchez PA. Factoring in embedding dimension three numerical semigroups. Electron. J. Combin.. 2010;17:Research Paper 138, 21.Edit
Aguiló-Gost F, Sánchez PA, Llena D.. Denumerants of 3-numerical semigroups. In: Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science (Spanish). Vol 46. Elsevier Sci. B. V., Amsterdam; 2014. 3. p. 3-10p. (Electron. Notes Discrete Math.; vol 46).Edit
Aguiar MA, Ruan H.. Interior Symmetries and Multiple Eigenvalues for Homogeneous Networks. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst.. 2012;11.Edit
Aguiar MA, Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Simple vector fields with complex behaviour. Int. Jour. of Bifurcation and Chaos. 2006;16(2).
Aguiar MA, Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Switching along a network. In: EQUADIFF 2003. World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ; 2005. 4. p. 449-451p.
Aguiar MA, Dias AP. An overview of synchrony in coupled cell networks. Vol 224. D. PAa.zilber, editor 2018.Edit
[2010-21] Aguiar MA. Is there switching for replicator dynamics and bimatrix games? .
Aguiar MA, Dias A.. Heteroclinic network dynamics on joining coupled cell networks. Dynamical Systems: An Int. Journal. 2017;32 (1):4-22.Edit
Aguiar P. A General Hippocampal Computational Model Combining Episodic and Spatial Memory in a Spiking Model.. 2006.
Aguiar MA, Castro SB. Chaotic switching in a two-person game. Physica D. 2010;239:1598-1609.
[2004-24] Aguiar MA, Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Simple vector fields with complex behaviour .
Aguiar MA. Is there switching for replicator dynamics and bimatrix games? PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA. 2011;240:1475-1488.Edit
Aguiar MA, Dias A., Ruan H.. Synchrony and Elementary Operations on Coupled Cell Networks. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst.. 2016;15(1):322-337.Edit
[2004-8] Aguiar MA, Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Dynamics near a heteroclinic network .
