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Almeida J, Steinberg B. Rational codes and free profinite monoids. J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2). 2009;79:465-477.Edit
[2008-21] Almeida J, Steinberg B. Rational Codes and Free Profinite Monoids .Edit
[2012-3] Almeida J, Costa JC, Zeitoun M. McCammond's normal forms for free aperiodic semigroups revisited .Edit
Almeida J. Tameness of pseudovarieties of semigroups. S\=urikaisekikenky\=usho Kōky\=uroku. 2000:8-16.Edit
[2015-34] Almeida J, Klíma O. Representations of relatively free profinite semigroups, irreducibility, and order primitivity .Edit
Almeida J, Costa A. Equidivisible pseudovarieties of semigroups. Publicationes Mathematicae. 2017;90(3-4):435-453.Edit
Almeida R, Martínez JP, Rocha AP, Olmos S., Laguna P. Improved QT variability quantification by multilead automatic delineation. In: {32nd Annual Conference on Computers in Cardiology}. Vol {32}. {IEEE}; 2005. {. {p. 503-506p. }.Edit
Almeida J. Residually finite congruences and quasi-regular subsets in uniform algebras. Portugal. Math.. 1989;46:313-328.Edit
Almeida J, Shahzamanian M.. A note on the finite basis and finite rank properties for pseudovarieties of semigroups. Semigroup Forum. 2018;97:177-180.Edit
Almeida J, Zeitoun M. An automata-theoretic approach to the word problem for ω-terms over $\ssfR$. Theoret. Comput. Sci.. 2007;370:131-169.Edit
Almeida J, Azevedo A, Zeitoun M. Pseudovariety joins involving $\scr J$-trivial semigroups. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 1999;9:99-112.Edit
[2007-34] Almeida J. Decidability and tameness in the theory of finite semigroups .Edit
Almeida J, Weil P. Free profinite semigroups over semidirect products. Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat.. 1995:3-31.Edit
Almeida J, Reilly N.. Generalized varieties of commutative and nilpotent semigroups. Semigroup Forum. 1984;30:77-98.Edit
Almeida J, Delgado M. Tameness of the pseudovariety of abelian groups. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2005;15:327-338.Edit
Almeida J, Azevedo A. Implicit operations on certain classes of semigroups. In: Semigroups and their applications (Chico, Calif., 1986). Reidel, Dordrecht; 1987. 1. p. 1-11p. Edit
Almeida J, Machiavelo A. José Morgado: in memoriam. Bol. Soc. Port. Mat.. 2004:1-18.Edit
Almeida M, Moreira N, Reis R. Incremental DFA Minimisation. RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications. 2014;48:173-186.Edit
Almeida J. On the power semigroup of a finite semigroup. Portugal. Math.. 1992;49:295-331.Edit
Almeida J, Klíma O. New decidable upper bound of the second level in the Straubing-Thérien concatenation hierarchy of star-free languages. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci.. 2010;12:41-58.Edit
Almeida FD, Ahues M, Fernandes R.. Errors and grids for projected weakly singular integral equations. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics . 2013;89:203-213.Edit
Almeida J, Delgado M.. Sur certains systèmes d'équations avec contraintes dans un groupe libre–-addenda. Port. Math. (N.S.). 2001;58:379-387.Edit
Almeida I., Gaio A., Bahia M.. Estimation of hedonic responses from descriptive skin sensory data by chi-square minimization. Journal of Sensory Studies. 2006;21:2-19.Edit
Almeida J, Costa JC, Zeitoun M. Reducibility of pointlike problems. Semigroup Forum. 2017;94(2):325-335.Edit
Almeida R, Gouveia S., Rocha AP, Pueyo E, Martínez JP, Laguna P. QT variability and HRV interactions in ECG: Quantification and reliability. {IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING}. 2006;{53}:{1317-1329}.Edit


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