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Silva PV. On free inverse monoid languages. RAIRO Inform. Théor. Appl.. 1996;30:349-378.
Silva MC, Duarte AL, de Sá CC. Francisco Gomes Teixeira. CIM Bulletin. 2004;16:21-23.Edit
Silva PV, Weil P. On an algorithm to decide whether a free group is a free factor of another. Theor. Inform. Appl.. 2008;42:395-414.Edit
Silva PV. The homomorphism problem for trace monoids. Theoret. Comput. Sci.. 2003;307:199-215.
Silva MC. Contribuição para o estudo do manuscrito Arte de Marear de Juan Pérez de Moya. LLULL. 2012;35(76):351-379.Edit
[2012-10] Silva PV. Fixed points of endomorphisms of virtually free groups .
Silva P., Duarte R, Sampaio J, Aguiar P, Davids K, Araújo D, et al. Field dimension and skill level constrain team tactical behaviours in small-sided and conditioned games in football. Journal of sports sciences. 2014;32:1888-1896.Edit
Silva PV. Recognizable subsets of a group: finite extensions and the abelian case. Bull. Eur. Assoc. Theor. Comput. Sci. EATCS. 2002:195-215.
Silva PV, Weil P. Automorphic orbits in free groups: words versus subgroups. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2010;20:561-590.Edit
[2010-15] Silva PV. Fixed points of endomorphisms of certain free products .
[2009-10] Silva PV. Fixed points of endomorphisms over special confluent rewriting systems .
Silva PV, Soares F. Howson’s property for semidirect products of semilattices by groups. Comm. Algebra. 2016;44(6):2482-2494.Edit
Silva MC. The algebraic content of Bento Fernandes’s Tratado da arte de arismetica (1555). Historia Mathematica . 2008;35 :190-219.Edit
Silva PV. Normal-convex embeddings of inverse semigroups. Glasgow Math. J.. 1993;35:115-121.
Silva MJ, Pinheiro R, Almeida R, Cunha F, Ribeiro A, Rocha AP, et al. Heart Rate Variability in Children Submitted to Surgery. Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Research. 2016;7.Edit
[2014-29] Silva PV, Soares F. Howson’s property for semidirect products of semilattices by groups .Edit
Silva PV. Groups and automata: a perfect match. J. Automata Lang. Combin.. 2012;17(2-4):277-292.
[2015-25] Silva MC. On the circulation of algebraic knowledge in the Iberian península: the sources of Pérez de Moya's Tratado de Arithmetica (1573) .Edit
Silva MC, Estrada MF. José Anastácio da Cunha e a Álgebra do seu tempo. CMUM ed. Portugal, Braga: Universidade do Minho. Centro de Matemática (CMAT) 2005.Edit
[2013-25] Silva PV. Teoria Geométrica de Grupos (notas de curso, Universidade Federal da Bahia) .
Silva PV. Free group languages: rational versus recognizable. Theor. Inform. Appl.. 2004;38:49-67.
Silva PV, Steinberg B. Extensions and submonoids of automatic monoids. Theoret. Comput. Sci.. 2002;289:727-754.Edit
[2015-41] M. Silva C. On the circulation of algebraic knowledge in the Iberian península:the sources of Pérez de Moya's Tratado de Arithmetica (1573) .Edit
[2008-23] Silva PV, Weil P. On finite-index extensions of subgroups of free groups .Edit
Silva MC. Renaissance sources of Juan Pérez de Moya’s geometries. Asclepio. Revista de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia. 2013;65 (2)(julio-diciembre ):1-18.Edit


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