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Vasconcelos PB, d'Almeida FD. Preconditioned iterative methods for coupled discretizations of fluid flow problems. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. 1998;18:385-397.
Vasconcelos PB, Matos JM, Trindade M.. Spectral Lanczos’ tau method for systems of nonlinear integro-differential equations. Vol Integral Methods in Science and Engineering Springer 2017.Edit
Vasconcelos PB, Marques O., Roman J.. High-Performance Computing for Spectral Approximations. In: Constanda C, Pérez M.E., editors. Integral Methods in Science and Engineering, Volume 2: Computational Aspects. Birkhäuser Boston; 2010. 3. p. 351-360p. Edit
Vasconcelos PB, Marques O.. Experiments with GPU-Acceleration for Solving a Radiative Transfer Problem. In: LNCS.; 2014. 5. p. 550-559p. Edit
Vasconcelos PB, d'Almeida FD. Nonoverlapping Domain Decomposition Applied to a Computational Fluid Mechanics Code. In: Amestoy PR, Berger P, Daydé M, Ruiz D, Duff I, Frayssé V et al., editors. Euro-Par'99 Parallel Processing: 5th International Euro-Par Conference Toulouse, France, August 31 – September 3, 1999 Proceedings. Vol 1685. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 1999. 6. p. 608-612p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 1685).Edit
Vasconcelos PB, Marques O. Experiments with GPU-Acceleration for Solving a Radiative Transfer Problem. In: Murgante B, Misra S, Rocha AMaria AC, Torre C, Rocha JG, Falcão MIrene et al., editors. Computational Science and Its Applications ICCSA 2014. Vol 8582. Springer International Publishing; 2014. 5. p. 550-559p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 8582).Edit
Vasconcelos PB, d'Almeida FD, Ahues M. Comparison of two discretizations for spectral computations for integral operators. Int. J. Pure Appl. Math.. 2011;71:261-270.Edit
Vasconcelos PB, d'Almeida FD. Columnwise block LU factorization using BLAS kernels on VAX 6520/2VP. Computing Systems in Engineering. 1995;6:423-429.
Vasconcelos PB, Marques O, Roman JE. Parallel Eigensolvers for a Discretized Radiative Transfer Problem. In: Palma JMLaginha, Amestoy PR, Daydé M, Mattoso M, Lopes JCorreia, editors. High Performance Computing for Computational Science - VECPAR 2008: 8th International Conference, Toulouse, France, June 24-27, 2008. Revised Selected Papers. Vol 5336. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2008. 3. p. 336-348p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 5336).Edit
[2012-2] Ventura E. Finite automata for Schreier graphs of virtually free groups .Edit
[2012-39] Ventura E. Bounding the gap between a free group (outer) automorphism and its inverse .Edit
Vieira N, Yakubovich SB. Time-dependent problems for a wedge via Kontorovich-Lebedev's transform. Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2). 2014;37:671-680.Edit
Vieira P., Oliveira PM, Cunha Á. Stochastic Runge–Kutta Schemes for Discretization of Hysteretic Models. Vol Recent Developments in Modeling and Applications in Statistics, Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics Springer 2013.Edit
Vieira P., Oliveira PM, Cunha Á. Estimation of the maximum displacement response in engineering structures with linear behaviour. In: LinStat 2010. Portugal, Tomar; 2010. Edit
[2012-13] Vieira N, Yakubovich SB. Time-dependent problems for a wedge via Kontorovich-Lebedev's transform .Edit
Vieira P., Oliveira PM, Cunha Á. Esquemas de Euler estocásticos para a discretização de modelos histeréticos 2010.Edit
Vieira L, Mano VM. Generalized Krein parameters of strongly regular graphs. Applied Mathematics. 2015;6:37-45.Edit
Vilas-Boas V., Silva R., Gaio A., Martins A., Lima S., Cordeiro-da-Silva A., et al. P-glycoprotein activity in human Caucasian male lymphocytes does not follow its increased expression during aging. Cytometry Part A. 2011;79 A:912-919.Edit
[2017-14] Volkov M, Silva PV, Soares F. Local finiteness for Green's relations in semigroup varieties .Edit
Wirth A, Gama SM, Frisch U. Eddy viscisity of three dimensional flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 1995;288:249-264.Edit
Yakubovich SB. On a class of integral convolutions. Vests\=ı Akad. Navuk Belarus\=ı Ser. F\=ız. Mat. Navuk. 1992:27-33, 124.
Yakubovich SB. Harmonic analysis of the Lebedev-Stieltjes integrals. Asian-Eur. J. Math.. 2009;2:307-320.
Yakubovich SB. Analog of the Hausdorff-Young theorem for the Lebedev integral. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.. 2005;16:597-607.
[2013-9] Yakubovich SB. Abel-Goncharov's polynomials and the Casas-Alvero conjecture .
Yakubovich SB. Index transforms World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., River Edge, NJ 1996.


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