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[2006-19] Almeida J, Costa JC, Zeitoun M. Complete reducibility of pseudovarieties .Edit
[2009-28] Almeida J, Costa JC, Teixeira M.. Semidirect product with an order-computable pseudovariety and tameness .Edit
Almeida J. The algebra of implicit operations. Algebra Universalis. 1989;26:16-32.Edit
Almeida J. Profinite groups associated with weakly primitive substitutions. Fundam. Prikl. Mat.. 2005;11:13-48.Edit
Almeida R, Gonçalves H, Rocha AP, Bernardes J. A wavelet-based method for assessing fetal cardiac rhythms from abdominal ECGs. In: Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2013. Spain, Zaragoza: IEEE; 2013. 2. p. 289-292p. Edit
Almeida J. Overlapping of words in rational languages. In: Combinatorics on words (Waterloo, Ont., 1982). Academic Press, Toronto, ON; 1983. 1. p. 119-131p. Edit
Almeida J, Klíma O. On the irreducibility of pseudovarieties of semigroups. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 2016;220(4):1517-1524.Edit
Almeida J. A classification of aperiodic power monoids. J. Algebra. 1994;170:355-387.Edit
Almeida J, Zeitoun M. Tameness of some locally trivial pseudovarieties. Comm. Algebra. 2003;31:61-77.Edit
Almeida R, Gouveia S., Rocha AP, Pueyo E, Martínez JP, Laguna P. QT variability and HRV interactions in ECG: Quantification and reliability. {IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING}. 2006;{53}:{1317-1329}.Edit
[2012-3] Almeida J, Costa JC, Zeitoun M. McCammond's normal forms for free aperiodic semigroups revisited .Edit
Almeida J. On direct product decompositions of finite $\scr J$-trivial semigroups. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 1991;1:329-337.Edit
Almeida J, Klíma O. A counterexample to a conjecture concerning concatenation hierarchies. Inform. Process. Lett.. 2009;110:4-7.Edit
Almeida J, Trotter PG. Hyperdecidability of pseudovarieties of orthogroups. Glasg. Math. J.. 2001;43:67-83.Edit
Almeida R, Teodoro AC, Gonçalves H, Freitas A, Sa-Sousa A, Jácome C, et al. Forecasting Asthma Hospital Admissions from Remotely Sensed Environmental Data. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management - Volume 1: GISTAM,. INSTICC; 2017. 1. p. 124-130p. Edit
Almeida R, Pueyo E, Martínez JP, Rocha AP, Laguna P. Quantification of the QT variability related to HRV: Robustness study facing automatic delineation and noise on the ECG. In: {31st Annual Scientific Meeting on Computers in Cardiology}. Vol {31}. {IEEE}; 2004. {. {p. 769-772p. }.Edit
Almeida J. Semidirectly closed pseudovarieties of locally trivial semigroups. Semigroup Forum. 1990;40:315-323.Edit
Almeida J, Costa JC, Zeitoun M. Complete reducibility of systems of equations with respect to $\ssf R$. Port. Math. (N.S.). 2007;64:445-508.Edit
[2017-25] Almeida J, Klíma O. On the insertion of n-powers .Edit
Almeida J. Minimal nonpermutative pseudovarieties of semigroups. I, II. Pacific J. Math.. 1986;121:257-270, 271-279.Edit
Almeida J, Shahzamanian M.. A note on the finite basis and finite rank properties for pseudovarieties of semigroups. Semigroup Forum. 2018;97:177-180.Edit
Almeida R, Pueyo E, Martínez JP, Rocha AP, Olmos S., Laguna P. A parametric model approach for quantification of short term QT variability uncorrelated with heart rate variability. In: Murray A, editor. {30th Annual Meeting on Computers in Cardiology}. Vol {30}. {IEEE}; 2003. {. {p. 165-168p. }.Edit
Almeida R, Martínez JP, Rocha AP, Laguna P. P wave delineation using spatially projected leads from wavelet transform loops. In: Murray A, editor. {37th Annual Conference of the Computing-in-Cardiology}. Vol {37}. {IEEE}; 2010. {. {p. 1003-1006p. }.Edit
Almeida J. Hyperdecidable pseudovarieties and the calculation of semidirect products. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 1999;9:241-261.Edit
Almeida R, Martínez JP, Rocha AP, Laguna P. Are 2 Electrocardiographic Leads Enough for Multilead Wave Boundary Location and QT Measuring? In: Murray A, editor. {36th Annual Computers in Cardiology Conference (CinC 2009)}. Vol {36}. {IEEE}; 2009. {. {p. 593-596p. }.Edit


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