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Almeida J, Volkov M, Goldberg S.. Complexity of the identity checking problem for finite semigroups. Zap. Nauchn. Sem. S.-Peterburg. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (POMI). 2008;358:5-22, 301.Edit
Almeida J. Decidability and tameness in the theory of finite semigroups. Bull. Iranian Math. Soc.. 2008;34:1-22.Edit
Almeida J, Zeitoun M. Description and analysis of a bottom-up DFA minimization algorithm. Inform. Process. Lett.. 2008;107:52-59.Edit
[2008-2] Araújo V, Bessa M. Dominated splitting and zero volume for incompressible three-flows .Edit
Gonçalves H, Rocha AP, Ayres-de-Campos D., Bernardes J. Frequency domain and entropy analysis of fetal heart rate: Appealing tools for fetal surveillance and pharmacodynamic assessment of drugs. {Cardiovascular and Hematological Disorders - Drug Targets}. 2008;{8}:{91-98}.Edit
Abreu L., Marcellan F., Yakubovich SB. Hardy-type theorem for orthogonal functions with respect to their zeros. The Jacobi weight case. J. Math. Anal. Appl.. 2008;341:803-812.Edit
Almeida I., Gaio A., Bahia M.. Hedonic and descriptive skinfeel analysis of two oleogels: Comparison with other topical formulations. Journal of Sensory Studies. 2008;23:92-113.Edit
Antoneli F, Dias AP, Paiva RC. Hopf Bifurcation in Coupled Cell Networks with Interior Symmetries. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems. 2008;7(1):220-248.Edit
Antoneli F, Dias AP, Matthews PC. Invariants, Equivariants and Characters in Symmetric Bifurcation Theory. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 2008;138A:477-512.Edit
Bernardes J, Gonçalves H, Ayres-de-Campos D., Rocha AP. Linear and complex heart rate dynamics vary with sex in relation to fetal behavioural states. {EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT}. 2008;{84}:{433-439}.Edit
Vasconcelos PB, Marques O, Roman JE. Parallel Eigensolvers for a Discretized Radiative Transfer Problem. In: Palma JMLaginha, Amestoy PR, Daydé M, Mattoso M, Lopes JCorreia, editors. High Performance Computing for Computational Science - VECPAR 2008: 8th International Conference, Toulouse, France, June 24-27, 2008. Revised Selected Papers. Vol 5336. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2008. 3. p. 336-348p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 5336).Edit
Almeida J, Costa JC, Zeitoun M. Pointlike sets with respect to $\bf R$ and $\bf J$. J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 2008;212:486-499.Edit
[2008-21] Almeida J, Steinberg B. Rational Codes and Free Profinite Monoids .Edit
[2008-17] Antoneli F, Dias AP, Pinto CM. Rich phenomena in a network of two rings coupled through a `buffer' cell .Edit
[2008-6] Aguiar MA, Ashwin P., Dias AP, Field M. Robust heteroclinic cycles in coupled cell systems: Identical cells with asymmetric inputs .Edit
[2008-6] Aguiar MA, Ashwin P., Dias AP, Field M. Robust heteroclinic cycles in coupled cell systems: Identical cells with asymmetric inputs .Edit


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