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The discrete Markus-Yamabe problem for symmetric planar polynomial maps. Indag. Math. (N.S.). 2012;23:603-608.
[2012-12] Global Dynamics for Symmetric Planar Maps .
Global generic dynamics close to symmetry. J. Differential Equations. 2012;253:2527-2557.Edit
[2012-11] Global Generic Dynamics Close to Symmetry .Edit
A local but not global attractor for a $\Bbb Z_n$-symmetric map. J. Singul.. 2012;6:1-14.
A local but not global attractor for a Z_n-symmetric map. J. Singul.. 2012;6:1-14.
Chaotic double cycling. Dyn. Syst.. 2011;26:199-233.Edit
Density of first Poincaré returns, periodic orbits, and Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul.. 2011;16:863-875.Edit
[2011-22] Spiralling dynamics near heteroclinic networks .
A chaotic carousel: dynamics near heteroclinic networks. Bol. Soc. Port. Mat.. 2010:103-109.Edit
The geometry of Hopf and saddle-node bifurcations for waves of Hodgkin-Huxley type. In: Real and complex singularities. Vol 380. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge; 2010. 2. p. 229-245p. Edit
The geometry of Hopf and saddle-node bifurcations for waves of Hodgkin-Huxley type. In: Real and complex singularities. Vol 380. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge; 2010. 2. p. 229-245p. (London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser.; vol 380).Edit
A heteroclinic network in mode interaction with symmetry. Dyn. Syst.. 2010;25:359-396.Edit
Switching near a network of rotating nodes. Dyn. Syst.. 2010;25:75-95.Edit
[2009-46] Chaotic Double Cycling .
[2008-38] Switching near a network of rotating nodes .
Projected wallpaper patterns. In: Real and complex singularities. Birkhäuser, Basel; 2007. 2. p. 209-217p. (Trends Math.).Edit
[2006-16] Construction of Symmetric Heteroclinic Cycles .