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Sensory neurons and osteoblasts: Close partners in a microfluidic platform. Integrative Biology (United Kingdom). 2014;6:586-595.Edit
Sensory neurons and osteoblasts: Close partners in a microfluidic platform. Integrative Biology (United Kingdom). 2014;6:586-595.Edit
On special cases of Boas-Buck-type polynomial sequences.. 2014;Analytic number theory, approximation theory, and special functions:705-720.Edit
Spiralling dynamics near a heteroclinic network. Physica D. 2014.Edit
Spiralling dynamics near heteroclinic networks. Phys. D. 2014;268:34-49.Edit
Stability in simple heteroclinic networks in R4. Dynamical Systems: an International Journal. 2014;29(4):451-481.Edit
On the weight hierarchy of codes coming from semigroups with two generators. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. 2014;60:282-295.Edit
Compartmentalized Microfluidic Platforms as Tool of Choice to Study the Interaction Between Neurons and Osteoblasts. Microfluidic and Compartmentalized Platforms for Neurobiological Research. 2015:161-179.Edit
Compartmentalized Microfluidic Platforms as Tool of Choice to Study the Interaction Between Neurons and Osteoblasts. Microfluidic and Compartmentalized Platforms for Neurobiological Research. 2015:161-179.Edit
[2015-12] Construction of heteroclinic networks in R4 .Edit
Convergence of p-adic series. Vol 72 Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 2015.Edit
Dense heteroclinic tangencies near a Bykov cycle. Journal of Differential Equations. 2015; 259(11):5875-5902.
Derivations of a parametric family of subalgebras of the Weyl algebra. J. Algebra. 2015;424:46-97.Edit
Dietary patterns among 13-y-old Portuguese adolescents. Nutrition. 2015;31:148-154.Edit
Discrete Symmetric Planar Dynamics. Vol Dynamics, Games and Science. CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences ed. Springer-Verlag 2015.
Endomorphism rings of modules over prime rings. Taiwanese J. Math.. 2015;19:953-962.Edit
Gibbs-Markov-Young structures with (stretched) exponential tail for partially hyperbolic attractors. Adv. Math.. 2015;279:405-437.Edit
[2015-10] Global bifurcations close to symmetry .Edit
Heart Rate Variability during Plateau Waves of Intracranial Pressure: A Pilot Descriptive Study. In: 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’15), . Vol Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Italy, Milan: IEEE; 2015. 6. p. 6142-6145p. Edit
[2015-4] Hexagonal Projected Symmetries .Edit
Hexagonal Projected Symmetries. Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances. 2015;71(5):549-558.Edit
Injective Hulls of Simple Modules over Differential Operator Rings. Communications in Algebra. 2015;2015(10):4221-4230.Edit
[2015-23] Limit cycles for a class of $\mathbb{Z}_{2n}-$equivariant systems without infinite equilibria .Edit
A multiparameter family of irreducible representations of the quantum plane and of the quantum Weyl algebra. Portugaliae Mathematica. 2015;72:407-419.Edit