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Neto E, Paramos-de-Carvalho D, Lourenço AH, Aguiar P, Lamghari M. Compartmentalized Microfluidic Platforms as Tool of Choice to Study the Interaction Between Neurons and Osteoblasts. Microfluidic and Compartmentalized Platforms for Neurobiological Research. 2015:161-179.Edit
Neto E, Paramos-de-Carvalho D, Lourenço AH, Aguiar P, Lamghari M. Compartmentalized Microfluidic Platforms as Tool of Choice to Study the Interaction Between Neurons and Osteoblasts. Microfluidic and Compartmentalized Platforms for Neurobiological Research. 2015:161-179.Edit
[2015-12] Castro SB, Lohse A.. Construction of heteroclinic networks in R4 .Edit
Carvalho M, Lourenço JN. Convergence of p-adic series. Vol 72 Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 2015.Edit
Labouriau IS, Rodrigues A.. Dense heteroclinic tangencies near a Bykov cycle. Journal of Differential Equations. 2015; 259(11):5875-5902.
Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. Derivations of a parametric family of subalgebras of the Weyl algebra. J. Algebra. 2015;424:46-97.Edit
Araújo J., Teixeira J., Gaio A., Lopes C., Ramos E.. Dietary patterns among 13-y-old Portuguese adolescents. Nutrition. 2015;31:148-154.Edit
Alarcón B, Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Discrete Symmetric Planar Dynamics. Vol Dynamics, Games and Science. CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences ed. Springer-Verlag 2015.
Baziar M, Lomp C. Endomorphism rings of modules over prime rings. Taiwanese J. Math.. 2015;19:953-962.Edit
Alves JF, Li X. Gibbs-Markov-Young structures with (stretched) exponential tail for partially hyperbolic attractors. Adv. Math.. 2015;279:405-437.Edit
[2015-10] Labouriau IS, Rodrigues AA. Global bifurcations close to symmetry .Edit
Luís A, Santos AS, Dias C, Almeida R, Rocha AP. Heart Rate Variability during Plateau Waves of Intracranial Pressure: A Pilot Descriptive Study. In: 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’15), . Vol Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Italy, Milan: IEEE; 2015. 6. p. 6142-6145p. Edit
[2015-4] Oliveira JF, Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Hexagonal Projected Symmetries .Edit
Oliveira JF, Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Hexagonal Projected Symmetries. Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances. 2015;71(5):549-558.Edit
Carvalho PA, Hatipoğlu C, Lomp C. Injective Hulls of Simple Modules over Differential Operator Rings. Communications in Algebra. 2015;2015(10):4221-4230.Edit
[2015-23] Labouriau IS, Murza AC. Limit cycles for a class of $\mathbb{Z}_{2n}-$equivariant systems without infinite equilibria .Edit
Lopes SA, Lourenço J.. A multiparameter family of irreducible representations of the quantum plane and of the quantum Weyl algebra. Portugaliae Mathematica. 2015;72:407-419.Edit
