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Labouriau IS, Rito CM. Stability of equilibria in equations of Hodgkin-Huxley type. In: Real and complex singularities. Vol 354. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI; 2004. 1. p. 137-143p. (Contemp. Math.; vol 354).Edit
[2004-28] Labouriau IS, Pinho EM. Symmetries of projected wallpaper patterns .Edit
Martínez JP, Almeida R, Olmos S., Rocha AP, Laguna P. A wavelet-based ECG delineator: Evaluation on standard databases. {IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING}. 2004;{51}:{570-581}.Edit
Lomp C. When is a smash product semiprime? A partial answer. J. Algebra. 2004;275:339-355.Edit
Alves JF, Luzzatto S, Pinheiro V. Markov structures for non-uniformly expanding maps on compact manifolds in arbitrary dimension. Electron. Res. Announc. Amer. Math. Soc.. 2003;9:26-31.Edit
Almeida R, Pueyo E, Martínez JP, Rocha AP, Olmos S., Laguna P. A parametric model approach for quantification of short term QT variability uncorrelated with heart rate variability. In: Murray A, editor. {30th Annual Meeting on Computers in Cardiology}. Vol {30}. {IEEE}; 2003. {. {p. 165-168p. }.Edit
Aguiar MA, Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Switching along a network. In: International Conference on Differential Equations, Equadiff 2003, Hasselt, Belgium .; 2003. 4. p. 449-451p.
Labouriau IS, Rodrigues HM. Synchronization of coupled equations of Hodgkin-Huxley type. Dyn. Contin. Discrete Impuls. Syst. Ser. A Math. Anal.. 2003;10:463-476.Edit
Ahues M, d'Almeida FD, Largillier A., Titaud O, Vasconcelos PB. An L1 refined projection approximate solution of the radiation transfer equation in stellar atmospheres. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2002;140:13-26.Edit
Keskin D, Lomp C. On lifting LE-modules. Vietnam J. Math.. 2002;30:167-176.Edit
Lomp K., Nasrutdinov M., Sakhaev I.. On projective modules with a semilocal endomorphism ring. Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat.. 2002:23-29.Edit
Boardman A., Schlindwein FS, Rocha AP, Leite A. A study on the optimum order of autoregressive models for heart rate variability. {PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT}. 2002;{23}:{325-336}.Edit
Lerman I, da Costa JP, Silva H. Validation of very large data sets clustering by means of a nonparametric linear criterion. In: Classification, clustering, and data analysis (Cracow, 2002). Springer, Berlin; 2002. 1. p. 147-157p. (Stud. Classification Data Anal. Knowledge Organ.).Edit
Aguiar MA, Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Path Formulation for a Modal Family. Portugaliae Mathematica. 2001;58(4):407-424.
Lomp C. A remark on a theorem of Y. Kurata. Hokkaido Math. J.. 2001;30:645-648.Edit
Torgo L., da Costa J.. Clustered partial linear regression. In: LaopezDeMantaras R., Plaza E., editors. Machine Learning: Ecml 2000. Vol 1810.; 2000. 4. p. 426-436p. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; vol 1810).Edit
Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Counting persistent pitchforks. In: Real and complex singularities (São Carlos, 1998). Vol 412. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL; 2000. 2. p. 215-222p. (Chapman & Hall/CRC Res. Notes Math.; vol 412).
Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Counting Persistent Pitchforks. Vol V International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities São Carlos SP Brazil: CRC press 2000.Edit
Lomp C, Peña-P AJ. A note on prime modules. Divulg. Mat.. 2000;8:31-42.Edit
Lomp C. On semilocal modules and rings. Comm. Algebra. 1999;27:1921-1935.Edit
M. Gomes GM, Labouriau IS, Pinho EM. Spatial hidden symmetries in pattern formation. In: Pattern formation in continuous and coupled systems (Minneapolis, MN, 1998). Vol 115. Springer, New York; 1999. 8. p. 83-99p. (IMA Vol. Math. Appl.; vol 115).Edit
Costa JP, Lerman I.. ARCADE: A Prediction Method for Nominal Variables. Intelligent Data Analysis. 1998;2:265-286.Edit
Costa JP, Lerman I. arcade: a prediction method for nominal variables. intelligent data analysis. 1998;2:265-286.Edit
Lomp C. Modules whose small submodules have Krull dimension. J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 1998;133:197-202.Edit
Rebelo AN, Costa O., Rocha AP, Soares JM, Lago P. Is autonomic control of the heart rate at rest altered by detraining? A study of heart rate variability in professional soccer players. {Revista portuguesa de cardiologia : orgão oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia = Portuguese journal of cardiology : an official journal of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology}. 1997;{16}:{535-541, 508}.Edit


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