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Assessing baroreflex sensitivity in the sequences technique: Local versus global approach. In: {32nd Annual Conference on Computers in Cardiology}. Vol {32}. {IEEE}; 2005. {. {p. 279-282p. }.Edit
A numerical study of iterative refinement schemes for weakly singular integral equations. Applied Mathematics Letters. 2005;18:571-576.Edit
The pseudovariety of semigroups of triangular matrices over a finite field. Theor. Inform. Appl.. 2005;39:31-48.Edit
[2005-43] Singular-hyperbolic attractors are chaotic .Edit
Spectral refinement on quasi-diagonal matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 2005;401:109-117.Edit
Switching along a network. Dumortier F, Broer H, Mawhin J, Vanderbauwhede A, Lunel S, editors 2005.Edit
Defect correction for spectral computations for a singular integral operator. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis. 2006;5:241-250.Edit
Improved BRS assessment using the global approach in the sequences technique. In: {Computers in Cardiology}. Vol {33}.; 2006. {. {p. 641-644p. }.Edit
Lifting modules Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel 2006.Edit
Performance Evaluation of a Parallel Algorithm for a Radiative Transfer Problem. In: Dongarra J, Madsen K, Waśniewski J, editors. Applied Parallel Computing. State of the Art in Scientific Computing: 7th International Workshop, PARA 2004, Lyngby, Denmark, June 20-23, 2004. Revised Selected Papers. Vol 3732. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2006. 8. p. 864-871p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 3732).Edit
[2006-20] Representation theory of finite semigroups, semigroup radicals and formal language theory .Edit
Small-scale anisotropy and intermittency in high and low-latitude solar wind. The Astrophysical Journal . 2006;638:499-507.Edit
Spectral refinement for clustered eigenvalues of quasi-diagonal matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 2006;413:394-402.Edit
Subword complexity of profinite words and subgroups of free profinite semigroups. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2006;16:221-258.Edit
Evaluation of Linear Solvers for Astrophysics Transfer Problems. In: Daydé M, Palma JMLM, Coutinho ÁLGA, Pacitti E, Lopes JCorreia, editors. High Performance Computing for Computational Science - VECPAR 2006: 7th International Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 10-13, 2006, Revised Selected and Invited Papers. Vol 4395. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2007. 4. p. 466-475p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 4395).Edit
Stochastic stability of non-uniformly hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. Stoch. Dyn.. 2007;7:299-333.Edit
Complexity of the identity checking problem for finite semigroups. Zap. Nauchn. Sem. S.-Peterburg. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (POMI). 2008;358:5-22, 301.Edit