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Algorithmic and Geometric Topics Around Free Groups and Automorphisms. Vol Advanced Courses in Mathematics, CRM Barcelona Birkhäuser 2017.Edit
Burnout Syndrome and Coping Strategies in Portuguese Oncology Health Care Providers. Archives of Clinical Psychiatry. 2017;44(5):122-6.Edit
On the topological semigroup of equational classes of finite functions under composition. J. of Mult.-Valued Logic & Soft Computing. 2017;28(1):5-28.Edit
Automorphic orbits in free groups: words versus subgroups. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2010;20:561-590.Edit
On finite-index extensions of subgroups of free groups. J. Group Theory. 2010;13:365-381.Edit
On an algorithm to decide whether a free group is a free factor of another. Theor. Inform. Appl.. 2008;42:395-414.Edit
Simulating large and heterogeneous networks of spiking neurons with SpiNet. BMC neuroscience. 2007;8:P9.Edit
Lifting modules Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel 2006.Edit
Performance Evaluation of a Parallel Algorithm for a Radiative Transfer Problem. In: Dongarra J, Madsen K, Waśniewski J, editors. Applied Parallel Computing. State of the Art in Scientific Computing: 7th International Workshop, PARA 2004, Lyngby, Denmark, June 20-23, 2004. Revised Selected Papers. Vol 3732. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2006. 8. p. 864-871p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 3732).Edit
[2006-25] Synchrony in Lattice Differential Equations .Edit
τ-complemented and τ-supplemented modules. Algebra Discrete Math.. 2006:1-16.Edit
Patterns of Synchrony in Lattice Dynamical Systems. Nonlinearity. 2005;18:2193-2209.Edit
Hippocampal mossy fibre boutons as dynamical synapses. Neurocomputing. 2004;58:699-703.Edit
Profinite categories and semidirect products. J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 1998;123:1-50.Edit
Free profinite $\scr R$-trivial monoids. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 1997;7:625-671.Edit
Eddy viscisity of three dimensional flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 1995;288:249-264.Edit