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Aguiar MA. Networks with asymmetric inputs: lattice of synchrony subspaces. NONLINEARITY. 2018;31:3847-3879.
Aguiar MA, Dias AP. Synchronization and equitable partitions in weighted networks. CHAOS. 2018;28.
Aguiar MA, Dias AP. An overview of synchrony in coupled cell networks. Vol 224. D. PAa.zilber, editor 2018.
Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A Parametric Family of Subalgebras of the Weyl Algebra I. Structure and Automorphisms. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.. 2015;367(3):1993-2021.
Labouriau IS, Rodrigues A.. Dense heteroclinic tangencies near a Bykov cycle. Journal of Differential Equations. 2015; 259(11):5875-5902.
Aguiar MA, Dias AP. The Lattice of Synchrony Subspaces of a Coupled Cell Network: Characterization and Computation Algorithm. JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR SCIENCE. 2014;24:949-996.
Alves JF. Invariant probability measures and non-wandering sets for impulsive semiflows. J. Stat. Phys.. 2014;157:1097-1113.
Benkart G, Lopes SA, Ondrus M. A Parametric Family of Subalgebras of the Weyl Algebra II. Irreducible Modules. In: Contemp. Math. Vol 602 Recent developments in algebraic and combinatorial aspects of representation theory.; 2013. 7. p. 73-98p.
Guedes M., Ribeiro A., Smirnov G., Vilela S.. On the optimal control of a cascade of hydro-electric power stations 2012.
Dias A., Moreira C.. Spectrum of the elimination of loops and multiple arrows in coupled cell networks. Nonlinearity. 2012;25:3139-3154.
Guedes M., Oliveira N., Santiago S., Smirnov G.. On the evaluation of a public transportation network quality: criteria validation methodology 2012.
Mesquita TA, Rocha Z. Symbolic implementation of polynomial sequences cubic decomposition 2012.
Aguiar MA. Is there switching for replicator dynamics and bimatrix games? PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA. 2011;240:1475-1488.
Dias AP, Pinho EM. On the enumeration of periodic patterns of synchrony via finite bidirectional networks. Proceedings A of the Royal Society of London. 2010;466:891-910.
Dias AP, Rodrigues A. Hopf bifurcation with S_n symmetry. Nonlinearity. 2009; 22:627-666.
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Antoneli F, Dias AP, Matthews PC. Invariants, Equivariants and Characters in Symmetric Bifurcation Theory. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 2008;138A:477-512.
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Dias AP, Pinho EM. Spatially Periodic Patterns of Synchrony in Lattice Networks. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems. 2008;8(2):641-675.
Launois S, Lopes SA. Automorphisms and derivations of $U_q(\mathfraksl^+_4)$. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 2007;211:249-264.
Loureiro AF, da Rocha Z. Working days on orthogonal polynomials, special functions integral transforms and applications 2007.
García-Sánchez PA. Numerical semigroups mini-course 2006.
Dias AP, Lamb JS. Local bifurcation in symmetric coupled cell networks: linear theory. Physica D. 2006;223:93-108.
Pacheco MR. Determinação do Centralizador de um dado Automorfismo do Toro Bidimensional 2006.
Dias AP, Paiva RC. Hopf Bifurcation with S_3-symmetry. PortugaliÆ Mathematica. 2006;63(2):127-155.
Dias AP, Paiva RC. Hopf Bifurcation with D_n-symmetry. Glasgow Mathematical Journal. 2006;48:41-51.
Lopes SA. Primitive ideals and irreducible representations of $U_q(sl^+_4)$. Communications in Algebra. 2006;34(12):4523-4550.
Dias AP, Rodrigues A. Secondary Bifurcations in Systems with All-to-All Coupling. Part II. Dynamical Systems. 2006;21:439-463.
Aguiar MA, Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Switching along a network. Dumortier F, Broer H, Mawhin J, Vanderbauwhede A, Lunel S, editors 2005.
Dias AP, Stewart I. Linear Equivalence and ODE-equivalence for Coupled Cell Networks. Nonlinearity. 2005;18:1003-1020.
Antoneli F, Dias AP, Golubitsky M, Wang Y. Patterns of Synchrony in Lattice Dynamical Systems. Nonlinearity. 2005;18:2193-2209.
Abreu S, Dias AP. Hopf Bifurcation on Hemispheres. Nonlinearity. 2005;19:553-574.
Bessa M. Homeomorfismos do plano sem pontos fixos 2005.