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Annual reports
García-Sánchez PA
Llena D
Moscariello A
Delta sets for nonsymmetric numerical semigroups with embedding dimension three
. Forum Math.. 2018;30:15-30.
García-Sánchez PA
Llena D.
Moscariello A.
Delta sets for symmetric numerical semigroups with embedding dimension three
. Aequationes Math.. 2017;91:579-600.
Assi A
García-Sánchez PA
Micale V.
Bases of subalgebras of $\BbbK[\![x]\!]$ and $\BbbK[x]$
. J. Symbolic Comput.. 2017;79:4-22.
García-Sánchez PA
Heredia B.
Karakaş H.
Rosales J.
Parametrizing Arf numerical semigroups
. J. Algebra Appl.. 2017;16:1750209, 31.
Assi A
García-Sánchez PA
Numerical semigroups and applications
. Vol 1 Springer, [Cham] 2016.
Delgado M.
García-Sánchez PA
$\ssfnumericalsgps$, a $\ssfGAP$ package for numerical semigroups
. ACM Commun. Comput. Algebra. 2016;50:12-24.
Ciolan E-
García-Sánchez PA
Moree P
Cyclotomic numerical semigroups
. SIAM J. Discrete Math.. 2016;30:650-668.
Assi A
García-Sánchez PA
Algorithms for curves with one place at infinity
. J. Symbolic Comput.. 2016;74:475-492.
Chapman S.
García-Sánchez PA
Tripp Z.
Viola C
Measuring primality in numerical semigroups with embedding dimension three
. J. Algebra Appl.. 2016;15:1650007, 16.
Delgado M.
García-Sánchez PA
Robles-Pérez A.
Numerical semigroups with a given set of pseudo-Frobenius numbers
. LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics. 2016;19(1):186-205.
Assi A
García-Sánchez PA
Ojeda I
Frobenius vectors, Hilbert series and gluings of affine semigroups
. J. Commut. Algebra. 2015;7:317-335.
Delgado M
García-Sánchez PA
Morais J
numericalsgps, an accepted GAP package
Farrán J.
García-Sánchez PA
The second Feng-Rao number for codes coming from inductive semigroups
. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. 2015;61:4938-4947.
Aguiló-Gost F
García-Sánchez PA
Llena D.
On the number of $\ssfL$-shapes in embedding dimension four numerical semigroups
. Discrete Math.. 2015;338:2168-2178.
García-Sánchez PA
Viola C
When the catenary degree agrees with the tame degree in numerical semigroups of embedding dimension three
. Involve. 2015;8:677-694.
Delgado M
Farrán J.
García-Sánchez PA
Llena D
On the weight hierarchy of codes coming from semigroups with two generators
. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. 2014;60:282-295.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
Constructing almost symmetric numerical semigroups from irreducible numerical semigroups
. Comm. Algebra. 2014;42:1362-1367.
Taha SA
García-Sánchez PA
Homogenization of a nonsymmetric embedding-dimension-three numerical semigroup
. Involve. 2014;7:77-96.
García-Sánchez PA
Leamer M.
Huneke-Wiegand Conjecture for complete intersection numerical semigroup rings
. J. Algebra. 2013;391:114-124.
Assi A
García-Sánchez PA
Constructing the set of complete intersection numerical semigroups with a given Frobenius number
. Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Comput.. 2013;24:133-148.
Delgado M
García-Sánchez PA
Rosales JC
Numerical semigroups problem list
Delgado M.
Farrán J.
García-Sánchez PA
Llena D.
On the generalized Feng-Rao numbers of numerical semigroups generated by intervals
. Math. Comp.. 2013;82:1813-1836.
Bras-Amorós M
García-Sánchez PA
Vico-Oton A
Nonhomogeneous patterns on numerical semigroups
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2013;23:1469-1483.
Chapman S.
García-Sánchez PA
Llena D.
Malyshev A.
Steinberg D.
On the delta set and the Betti elements of a BF-monoid
. Arab. J. Math. (Springer). 2012;1:53-61.
Bullejos M.
García-Sánchez PA
Minimal presentations for monoids with the ascending chain condition on principal ideals
. Semigroup Forum. 2012;85:185-190.
Blanco V
García-Sánchez PA
Geroldinger A.
Semigroup-theoretical characterizations of arithmetical invariants with applications to numerical monoids and Krull monoids
. Illinois J. Math.. 2011;55:1385-1414 (2013).
Blanco V
García-Sánchez PA
Puerto J
Counting numerical semigroups with short generating functions
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2011;21:1217-1235.
Chapman S.
García-Sánchez PA
Llena D.
Marshall J.
Elements in a numerical semigroup with factorizations of the same length
. Canad. Math. Bull.. 2011;54:39-43.
García-Sánchez PA
Ojeda I
Uniquely presented finitely generated commutative monoids
. Pacific J. Math.. 2010;248:91-105.
Aguiló-Gost F
García-Sánchez PA
Factoring in embedding dimension three numerical semigroups
. Electron. J. Combin.. 2010;17:Research Paper 138, 21.
Chapman S.
García-Sánchez PA
Llena D.
The catenary and tame degree of numerical monoids
. Forum Math.. 2009;21:117-129.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
Numerical semigroups
. Vol 20 Springer, New York 2009.
García-Sánchez PA
Llena D.
Rosales J.
Strongly taut finitely generated monoids
. Monatsh. Math.. 2008;155:119-124.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
Every numerical semigroup is one half of infinitely many symmetric numerical semigroups
. Comm. Algebra. 2008;36:2910-2916.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
Urbano-Blanco J.
The set of solutions of a proportionally modular Diophantine inequality
. J. Number Theory. 2008;128:453-467.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
Numerical semigroups having a Toms decomposition
. Canad. Math. Bull.. 2008;51:134-139.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
Every numerical semigroup is one half of a symmetric numerical semigroup
. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.. 2008;136:475-477 (electronic).
Delgado M.
García-Sánchez PA
Rosales J.
Urbano-Blanco J.
Systems of proportionally modular Diophantine inequalities
. Semigroup Forum. 2008;76:469-488.
García-Sánchez PA
Numerical semigroups mini-course
Chapman S.
García-Sánchez PA
Llena D.
Rosales J.
Presentations of finitely generated cancellative commutative monoids and nonnegative solutions of systems of linear equations
. Discrete Appl. Math.. 2006;154:1947-1959.
Chapman S.
García-Sánchez PA
Llena D.
Ponomarenko V.
Rosales J.
The catenary and tame degree in finitely generated commutative cancellative monoids
. Manuscripta Math.. 2006;120:253-264.
Bras-Amorós M
García-Sánchez PA
Patterns on numerical semigroups
. Linear Algebra Appl.. 2006;414:652-669.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
Urbano-Blanco J.
Modular Diophantine inequalities and numerical semigroups
. Pacific J. Math.. 2005;218:379-398.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
Pseudo-symmetric numerical semigroups with three generators
. J. Algebra. 2005;291:46-54.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
García-García JI
Branco MB
Numerical semigroups with a monotonic Apéry set
. Czechoslovak Math. J.. 2005;55(130):755-772.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
Urbano-Blanco J.
Correction to: ``Modular Diophantine inequalities and numerical semigroups'' [Pacific J. Math. \bf 218 (2005), no. 2, 379–398; \refcno 2218353]
. Pacific J. Math.. 2005;220:199.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
Numerical semigroups with embedding dimension three
. Arch. Math. (Basel). 2004;83:488-496.
García-Sánchez PA
Rosales JC
Every positive integer is the Frobenius number of an irreducible numerical semigroup with at most four generators
. Ark. Mat.. 2004;42:301-306.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
García-García JI
Madrid J.
Fundamental gaps in numerical semigroups with respect to their multiplicity
. Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.). 2004;20:629-646.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
García-García JI
Branco MB
Saturated numerical semigroups
. Houston J. Math.. 2004;30:321-330 (electronic).
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
García-García JI
Branco MB
Arf numerical semigroups
. J. Algebra. 2004;276:3-12.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
García-García JI
Madrid J.
Fundamental gaps in numerical semigroups
. J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 2004;189:301-313.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
García-García JI
Every positive integer is the Frobenius number of a numerical semigroup with three generators
. Math. Scand.. 2004;94:5-12.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
García-García JI
Atomic commutative monoids and their elasticity
. Semigroup Forum. 2004;68:64-86.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
García-García JI
Branco MB
Numerical semigroups with maximal embedding dimension
. Int. J. Commut. Rings. 2003;2:47-53.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
García-García JI
Urbano-Blanco J.
Proportionally modular Diophantine inequalities
. J. Number Theory. 2003;103:281-294.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
García-García JI
Madrid J.
The oversemigroups of a numerical semigroup
. Semigroup Forum. 2003;67:145-158.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
García-García JI
Ideals of finitely generated commutative monoids
. Semigroup Forum. 2003;66:305-322.
Chapman S.
García-García JI
García-Sánchez PA
Rosales J.
On the number of factorizations of an element in an atomic monoid
. Adv. in Appl. Math.. 2002;29:438-453.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
García-García JI
Presentations of finitely generated submonoids of finitely generated commutative monoids
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2002;12:659-670.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
García-García JI
Branco MB
Systems of inequalities and numerical semigroups
. J. London Math. Soc. (2). 2002;65:611-623.
García-Sánchez PA
Rosales J.
On Buchsbaum simplicial affine semigroups
. Pacific J. Math.. 2002;202:329-339.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
García-García JI
Irreducible ideals of finitely generated commutative monoids
. J. Algebra. 2001;238:328-344.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
Minimal presentations of full subsemigroups of $\bold N^2$
. Rocky Mountain J. Math.. 2001;31:1417-1422.
Chapman S.
García-García JI
García-Sánchez PA
Rosales J.
Computing the elasticity of a Krull monoid
. Linear Algebra Appl.. 2001;336:191-200.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
García-García JI
Commutative ideal extensions of abelian groups
. Semigroup Forum. 2001;62:311-316.
Rosales JC
García-Sánchez PA
García-García JI
How to check if a finitely generated commutative monoid is a principal ideal commutative monoid
. In: Proceedings of the 2000 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (St. Andrews). ACM, New York; 2000. 2. p. 288-291p. (electronic).
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
On the structure of simplicial affine semigroups
. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A. 2000;130:1017-1028.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
Reduced commutative monoids with two Archimedean components
. Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. Sez. B Artic. Ric. Mat. (8). 2000;3:471-484.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
On full affine semigroups
. J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 2000;149:295-303.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
On the structure of Cohen-Macaulay simplicial affine semigroups
. Comm. Algebra. 1999;27:511-518.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
On normal affine semigroups
. Linear Algebra Appl.. 1999;286:175-186.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
Presentations for subsemigroups of finitely generated commutative semigroups
. Israel J. Math.. 1999;113:269-283.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
Urbano-Blanco J.
On presentations of commutative monoids
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 1999;9:539-553.
García-Sánchez PA
Rosales J.
Numerical semigroups generated by intervals
. Pacific J. Math.. 1999;191:75-83.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
Finitely generated commutative monoids
Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Commack, NY 1999.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
On free affine semigroups
. Semigroup Forum. 1999;58:367-385.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
On Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein simplicial affine semigroups
. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2). 1998;41:517-537.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
Urbano-Blanco J.
On Cohen-Macaulay subsemigroups of $\bold N^2$
. Comm. Algebra. 1998;26:2543-2558.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
On numerical semigroups with high embedding dimension
. J. Algebra. 1998;203:567-578.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
Nonnegative elements of subgroups of $\bf Z^n$
. Linear Algebra Appl.. 1998;270:351-357.
Rosales J.
García-Sánchez PA
On complete intersection affine semigroups
. Comm. Algebra. 1995;23:5395-5412.
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