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[2005-41] Almeida J. Engel elements in groups and dynamical systems defining nilpotency in finite groups .Edit
[2005-22] Reis H. Equivalence and semi-completude of foliations .
Abreu S, Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Flowers or weeds? Bol. Soc. Port. Mat.. 2005:23-34.
[2005-15] Delgado M., Rosales J.. On the Frobenius number of a proportionally modular diophantine inequality .Edit
[2005-38] Loureiro AF, Maroni P., Rocha Z. The generalized Bochner condition about classical orthogonal polynomials revisited .Edit
Basto-Gonçalves J, Reis H.. The geometry of $2\times 2$ systems of conservation laws. Acta Appl. Math.. 2005;88:269-329.Edit
Basto-Gonçalves J, Reis H. The geometry of 2×2 systems of conservation laws. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. 2005;88(3):269-329.
Almeida J, Escada AP. The globals of pseudovarieties of ordered semigroups containing $B_2$ and an application to a problem proposed by Pin. Theor. Inform. Appl.. 2005;39:1-29.Edit
[2005-49] Marchesin D., Matos V.. High amplitude solutions for small data for two conservation laws that change type .Edit
[2005-48] Matos V., Marchesin D.. High amplitude solutions for small data in systems of two conservation laws that change type .Edit
Bessa M. Homeomorfismos do plano sem pontos fixos 2005.
Gothen PB, King AD. Homological algebra of twisted quiver bundles. J. London Math. Soc. (2). 2005;71:85-99.Edit
[2005-25] Bradlow SB, García-Prada O, Gothen PB. Homotopy groups of moduli spaces of representations .Edit
Abreu S, Dias AP. Hopf Bifurcation on Hemispheres. Nonlinearity. 2005;19:553-574.
[2005-27] Castro SB. Hysteresis in a tatonnement process .
[2005-17] Pastijn FJ, Oliveira LA. Ideal extensions of locally inverse semigroups .Edit
Almeida R, Martínez JP, Rocha AP, Olmos S., Laguna P. Improved QT variability quantification by multilead automatic delineation. In: {32nd Annual Conference on Computers in Cardiology}. Vol {32}. {IEEE}; 2005. {. {p. 503-506p. }.Edit
Castro SB, Plessis A.. Intrinsic complete transversals and the recognition of equivariant bifurcations. In: E{QUADIFF} 2003. World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ; 2005. 4. p. 458-463p. Edit
Costa JP, Camacho R, Alves A., Costa JP, Azevedo P.. Introduction. In: Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2005, Covilhã, Portugal, December 5-8, 2005, Proceedings.; 2005. Edit
Oliveira A, Silva PV. Inverse subsemigroups of the monogenic free inverse semigroup. Comm. Algebra. 2005;33:3887-3917.Edit
Silva MC, Estrada MF. José Anastácio da Cunha e a Álgebra do seu tempo. CMUM ed. Portugal, Braga: Universidade do Minho. Centro de Matemática (CMAT) 2005.Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA, García-García JI. $k$-factorized elements in telescopic numerical semigroups. In: Arithmetical properties of commutative rings and monoids. Vol 241. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL; 2005. 2. p. 260-271p. (Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math.; vol 241).Edit
Yakubovich SB. The Kontorovich-Lebedev transformation on Sobolev type spaces. Sarajevo J. Math.. 2005;1(14):211-234.
[2005-8] Yakubovich SB. The Kontorovich-Lebedev transformation on the Sobolev type spaces .
[2005-36] Yakubovich SB. On the L2-boundedness of the Olevskii and the gamma-product transforms .


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