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Castro SB, Lohse A.. Switching in heteroclinic networks. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (SIADS). 2016;15(2):1085-1103.Edit
[2005-27] Castro SB. Hysteresis in a tatonnement process .
Castro SB, Brandão A.. Existence of a Markov perfect equilibrium in a third market model . ECONOMICS LETTERS. 2000;66:297-301.Edit
Castro SB. Learning by replicator and best-response: the importance of being indifferent. Journal of Evolutionary Economics. In Press.
Castro SB. Mode interactions with symmetry. Dynam. Stability Systems. 1995;10:13-31.
Castro SB, Vasconcelos PB. Motivação e inclusão para o sucesso numa unidade curricular basilar. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas. 2016;46:35-50.
Castro SB, Correia-da-Silva J., Mossay P. The core-periphery model with three regions and more. PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE. 2012;91(2):401-418.Edit
[2007-35] Cassaigne J, Silva PV. Infinite periodic points of endomorphisms over special confluent rewriting systems .Edit
[2006-47] Cassaigne J, Silva PV. Infinite words and confluent rewriting systems: endomorphism extensions .Edit
Cassaigne J, Silva PV. Infinite periodic points of endomorphisms over special confluent rewriting systems. Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble). 2009;59:769-810.Edit
Cassaigne J, Silva PV. Infinite words and confluent rewriting systems: endomorphism extensions. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2009;19:443-490.Edit
[2016-28] Casals-Ruiz M, Kazachkov I, Zakharov A. On commensurability of some right-angled Artin groups .Edit
Carvalho M. First homoclinic tangencies on the boundary of Anosov diffeomorphisms. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 1998;4(4):765-782.
Carvalho M, Moreira F. A note on the Ergodic Theorem. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems. 2014;Volume 13(Issue 2):253-268.
Carvalho M, Azevedo A, Machiavelo A. Dynamics of a quasi-quadratic map. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications. 2014;20 (1):36-48.Edit
Carvalho M, Rodrigues F, Varandas P. A variational principle for free semigroup actions. Advances in Mathematics. 2018;334:450-487.Edit
Carvalho M, Oliveira AC. Roads for exotic wheels. Vol 65 Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 2011.Edit
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[2007-38] Carvalho PA, Lopes SA. Automorphisms of Generalized Down-Up Algebras .Edit
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Carvalho M, Cavadas S. Playing in the limit. Vol 69 Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 2013.Edit
Carvalho M. Generic properties of C^r maps of the the interval, r >= 2. In: European Conference on Iteration Theory . Vol ECIT'91. World Scientific; 1992. 3. p. 39-51p.
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[2017-18] Carvalho PA, Lomp C, Smith PF. A note on simple modules over quasi-local rings .Edit
