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Castro SB, Lohse A.. Construction of heteroclinic networks in R4. Nonlinearity. 2016;29:3677-3695.Edit
Castro SB, Dakhlia S, Gothen PB. Direct perturbations of aggregate excess demand. J. Math. Econom.. 2010;46:562-571.Edit
[2015-21] Castro SB, Lohse A. Switching in heteroclinic networks .Edit
[2014-2] Castro SB, Lohse A. Stability in simple heteroclinic networks in R4 .Edit
[2005-27] Castro SB. Hysteresis in a tatonnement process .
Castro L, Aguiar P. A feedforward model for the formation of a grid field where spatial information is provided solely from place cells. Biological Cybernetics. 2014;108:133-143.
Castro SB. Mode interactions with spherical symmetry. Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg.. 1994;4:885-904.
Cassaigne J, Silva PV. Infinite periodic points of endomorphisms over special confluent rewriting systems. Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble). 2009;59:769-810.Edit
[2006-47] Cassaigne J, Silva PV. Infinite words and confluent rewriting systems: endomorphism extensions .Edit
Cassaigne J, Silva PV. Infinite words and confluent rewriting systems: endomorphism extensions. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2009;19:443-490.Edit
[2007-35] Cassaigne J, Silva PV. Infinite periodic points of endomorphisms over special confluent rewriting systems .Edit
[2016-28] Casals-Ruiz M, Kazachkov I, Zakharov A. On commensurability of some right-angled Artin groups .Edit
Carvalho M. Entropy dimension of dynamical systems. Portugaliae Mathematica. 1997;54(1):19-40.
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Carvalho P, de Oliveira AG. Intersection and linking numbers in oriented matroids. Discrete Comput. Geom.. 2004;31:305-321.Edit
Carvalho M, Cabral H. Curved Pythagorean triangles. Vol 69 Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 2013.Edit
Carvalho M, Lourenço JN. Convergence of p-adic series. Vol 72 Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 2015.Edit
Carvalho M, Pacheco AC. O método de Diofanto e a curva a^b = b^a SPM In Press.Edit
Carvalho M. Persistence of Bowen-Ruelle-Sinai measures. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 2007;17(1):213-221.
Carvalho PA. Prime links in some skew-polynomial and skew-Laurent rings. Comm. Algebra. 1997;25:1443-1469.
Carvalho M, Rodrigues FB, Varandas P. Quantitative recurrence for free semigroup actions. Nonlinearity. 2018;31(3):864-886.Edit
Carvalho M, Bessa M. Imperfect friezes of integers. Vol 67 Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 2012.
Carvalho M. The chord method. Vol Special Issue - Euler's tercentenary year Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 2008.
Carvalho M. Commuting expanding dynamics. Portugaliae Mathematica. 1999;56(4):443-463.
Carvalho M. Bowen-Ruelle-Sinai measures for n-dimensional derived from Anosov diffeomorphisms. Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems. 1993;13:21-44.
