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Lomp C, Rodrigues V. Covering coalgebras and dual non-singularity. Appl. Categ. Structures. 2008;16:195-211.Edit
Ferreira CL, Tomás AP. On covering path orthogonal polygons. In: EGC 2017 - XVII Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry. Vol EGC 2017 - Book of Abstracts (informal proceedings). Spain, Alicante; 2017. 8. p. 85-88p. Edit
Ferreira RA. A criatividade na perspetiva de (alguns) matemáticos. Educação e Matemática. 2015;135:77-80.
Tuan VK, Yakubovich SB. A criterion for the unitarity of a two-sided integral transformation. Ukraï n. Mat. Zh.. 1992;44:697-699.Edit
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[2009-1] Martins JF, Picken R. A Cubical Set Approach to 2-Bundles with Connection and Wilson Surfaces .Edit
Yakubovich SB. On the curious series related to the elliptic integrals. The Ramanujan Journal. 2018;45(3):797-815.
Carvalho M, Cabral H. Curved Pythagorean triangles. Vol 69 Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 2013.Edit
Rito C. Cuspidal quintics and surfaces with $p_g=0,$ $K^2=3$ and 5-torsion. LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics. 2016;19(1):42-53.
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[2018-4] Garrido-da-Silva L, Castro SB. Cyclic dominance in a two-person Rock-Scissors-Paper game .
Murza AC. The Cyclic Hopf H mod K Theorem. Mathematical Reports.Edit
[2015-8] Murza AC. The Cyclic Hopf H mod K Theorem .Edit
Rebelo JC, Reis H. Cyclic stabilizers and infinitely many hyperbolic orbits for pseudogroups on (C,0). J. Inst. Math. Jussieu. 2014;13(2):413-446.Edit
Ciolan E-, García-Sánchez PA, Moree P. Cyclotomic numerical semigroups. SIAM J. Discrete Math.. 2016;30:650-668.Edit
