Super Admin

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
PublicationRepresentation theory of finite semigroups, semigroup radicals and formal language theory Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationComplete reducibility of pseudovarieties Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationCertain isometries related to the bilateral Laplace transform Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationConstruction of Symmetric Heteroclinic Cycles Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationOn the adjugate of a matrix Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationOn the inverse Kontorovich-Lebedev transform for distributions Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationKostia Beidar's contribution to module and ring theory Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationOn the real inversion formula for the bilateral Laplace transform Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationShrinking Complexity:Some Heuristics for Contractible Spaces Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationEngel elements in groups and dynamical systems defining nilpotency in finite groups Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationThe Lyapunov exponents of zero divergence 3-dimensional vector fields Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationThe generalized Bochner condition about classical orthogonal polynomials revisited Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationOn the L2-boundedness of the Olevskii and the gamma-product transforms Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationOn the Maximal Invariant set Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationSystems of proportionally modular Diophantine inequalities Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationDynamics of generic 2-dimensional linear differential systems Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationHysteresis in a tatonnement process Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationA note on the C0-centralizer of an open class of bidimensional Anosov diffeomorphisms Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationOn the testing-function spaces for distributions associated with the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationEquivalence and semi-completude of foliations Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationRandom Dynamical Systems Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationDiscontinuous Maps exhibiting Symmetry Lebesgue-almost everywhere Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationStability of Periodic Points in Piecewise Isometries of Euclidean Spaces Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationModels for the free pseudosemilattices Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
PublicationThe Kontorovich-Lebedev transformation on the Sobolev type spaces Super Admin010 years 9 months ago
