
In Press
Rito C.. New surfaces with $K^2=7$ and $p_g=q\leq 2$. The Asian Journal of Mathematics. In Press.
Rito C., Roulleau X., Sarti A.. Explicit Schoen surfaces. Algebraic Geometry. In Press.
Rito C.. A surface with canonical map of degree 24. International Journal of Mathematics. 2017;28(6).
Rito C.. On the construction of complex algebraic surfaces. Vol 38, 39 2017.
Rito C. A surface with $q=2$ and canonical map of degree $16$. Michigan Mathematical Journal. 2017;66(1):99-105.
Rito C. Cuspidal quintics and surfaces with $p_g=0,$ $K^2=3$ and 5-torsion. LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics. 2016;19(1):42-53.
Rito C, Sanchez MM. Hyperelliptic surfaces with $K^2 < 4\chi - 6$. Osaka Journal of Mathematics. 2015;52(4):929-947.
Rito C. New canonical triple covers of surfaces. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2015;143(11):4647-4653.
Rito C. Some bidouble planes with $p_g=q=0$ and $4\leq K^2\leq 7$. International Journal of Mathematics. 2015;26(5).