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[2010-35] Castro SB, Dakhlia S., Gothen PB. From Singularity Theory to Finiteness of Walrasian Equilibria .Edit
Castro SB. Mode interactions with spherical symmetry. Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg.. 1994;4:885-904.
[2008-26] Castro SB, Dakhlia S., Gothen PB. Direct perturbations of aggregate excess demand .Edit
[2017-2] Castro SB, Labouriau IS, Oliveira JF. Projections of Periodic Functions and Mode Interactions .Edit
[2005-27] Castro SB. Hysteresis in a tatonnement process .
[2016-11] Castro SB. Learning by replicator and best-response: the importance of being indifferent .
Castro SB, Brandão A.. Existence of a Markov perfect equilibrium in a third market model . ECONOMICS LETTERS. 2000;66:297-301.Edit
Castro SB, Lohse A.. Construction of heteroclinic networks in R4. Nonlinearity. 2016;29:3677-3695.Edit
[2015-21] Castro SB, Lohse A. Switching in heteroclinic networks .Edit
Castro SB. Mode interactions with symmetry. Dynam. Stability Systems. 1995;10:13-31.
[2015-12] Castro SB, Lohse A.. Construction of heteroclinic networks in R4 .Edit
Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Counting persistent pitchforks. In: Real and complex singularities (São Carlos, 1998). Vol 412. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL; 2000. 2. p. 215-222p. (Chapman & Hall/CRC Res. Notes Math.; vol 412).
Castro SB, Lohse A. Stability in simple heteroclinic networks in R4. Dynamical Systems: an International Journal. 2014;29(4):451-481.Edit
Castro SB, Lohse A.. Switching in heteroclinic networks. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (SIADS). 2016;15(2):1085-1103.Edit
Castro SB. The disappearance of the limit cycle in a mode interaction problem with $Z_2$ symmetry. Nonlinearity. 1997;10:425-432.
Castro L, Aguiar P. Phase precession through acceleration of local theta rhythm: A biophysical model for the interaction between place cells and local inhibitory neurons. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 2012;33:141-150.
Castro SB. Learning by replicator and best-response: the importance of being indifferent. Journal of Evolutionary Economics. In Press.
[2008-35] Cattaneo A., Zambon M. Graded geometry and Poisson reduction .Edit
Cerdeira J., Cruz MB, Moura A. Routing and assignment of clients of garden maintenance services. Vol Livro de atas do XVI Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional. Instituto Politécnico de Bragança ed. Portugal, Bragança: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança 2013.Edit
Cerdeira J., Cruz MB, Moura A. A Routing/Assignment Problem in Garden Maintenance Services. Vol Operational Research. CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, vol 4 Cham: Springer 2015.Edit
[2011-13] Cerejeira P., Vieira N. Hypoelliptic theory in an analysis of the Schrödinger problem .Edit
Chapman S., García-Sánchez PA, Llena D., Rosales J.. Presentations of finitely generated cancellative monoids and natural solutions of linear systems of equations. In: Fifth Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science (Spanish). Vol 23. Univ. Valladolid, Secr. Publ. Intercamb. Ed., Valladolid; 2006. 2. p. 217-224p. (Ciencias (Valladolid); vol 23).Edit
Chapman S., García-García JI, García-Sánchez PA, Rosales J.. Computing the elasticity of a Krull monoid. Linear Algebra Appl.. 2001;336:191-200.Edit
Chapman S., García-García JI, García-Sánchez PA, Rosales J.. On the number of factorizations of an element in an atomic monoid. Adv. in Appl. Math.. 2002;29:438-453.Edit
Chapman S., García-Sánchez PA, Llena D., Malyshev A., Steinberg D.. On the delta set and the Betti elements of a BF-monoid. Arab. J. Math. (Springer). 2012;1:53-61.Edit


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