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Loureiro AF, da Rocha Z. Working days on orthogonal polynomials, special functions integral transforms and applications 2007.Edit
[2011-32] Loureiro AF, Maroni P.. Polynomial sequences associated with classical linear functionals .Edit
[2012-7] Loureiro AF, Yakubovich SB. Central factorials under the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform of polynomials .Edit
[2005-38] Loureiro AF, Maroni P., Rocha Z. The generalized Bochner condition about classical orthogonal polynomials revisited .Edit
Loureiro A., Maroni P., da Rocha Z.. The generalized Bochner condition about classical orthogonal polynomials revisited, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2006;322:645-667.Edit
Loureiro AF, Maroni P., Yakubovich SB. On a polynomial sequence associated with the Bessel operator. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.. 2014;142:467-482.Edit
[2006-49] Loureiro AF, Maroni P.. Quadratic decomposition of Appell polynomial sequences .Edit
[2009-38] Loureiro AF, Maroni P. Around q-Appell polynomial sequences .Edit
[2008-42] Loureiro AF, Maroni P.. Quadratic decomposition of Laguerre polynomials via lowering operators .Edit
Loureiro AF, Yakubovich SB. Central factorials under the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform of polynomials. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.. 2013;24:217-238.
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Lucas R, Martins A, Severo M, Silva P., Monjardino T, Gaio A., et al. Quantitative Modelling of Hip Fracture Trends in 14 European Countries: Testing Variations of a Shared Reversal over Time. Scientific Reports. 2017;7(1):1-9.Edit
Lucchini A, Marion C. Alternating and symmetric groups with Eulerian generating graph. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma. 2017;5:30.Edit
Luchko Y., Yakubovich SB. An operational method for solving some classes of integro-differential equations. Differentsial\cprime nye Uravneniya. 1994;30:269-280, 365.Edit
Luchko Y., Yakubovich SB. Operational calculus for the generalized fractional differential operator and applications. Math. Balkanica (N.S.). 1993;7:119-130.Edit
Luchko Y., Yakubovich SB. Generating operators and convolutions for some integral transformation. Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR. 1991;35:773-776, 860.Edit
Luchko Y., Yakubovich SB. Convolutions of the generalized fractional integration operator. In: Complex analysis and generalized functions (Varna, 1991). Publ. House Bulgar. Acad. Sci., Sofia; 1993. 1. p. 199-211p. Edit
Luís A, Santos AS, Dias C, Almeida R, Rocha AP. Heart Rate Variability during Plateau Waves of Intracranial Pressure: A Pilot Descriptive Study. In: 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’15), . Vol Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Italy, Milan: IEEE; 2015. 6. p. 6142-6145p. Edit
[2013-12] lvarez M., Labouriau IS, Murza AC. Limit cycles for a class of quintic $\mathbbZ_6-$equivariant systems without infinite critical poi .Edit


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