Super Admin

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
SeminarPursuing stacks and gerbes. Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarOn Ruelle's theorem for random countable Markov shifts Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarGeometric Langlands working group: an example over elliptic curves I Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarLínguas e Cúspides Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarProductos cruzados débis Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarRicci Flow and the Euclidean Gravitational Action Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarIntroduction to Index theory Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarLie nilpotency indices of modular group algebras Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarPermutações de intervalos com flip e involuções lineares Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarSome experimental studies of non-linear systems Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarThe Central Role of PDF Moments in Advanced Adaptive Filtering and Information Theories Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarPadrões de Sincronia em Reticulados de Sistemas Dinâmicos Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarResearch Talk: Simplified model for gravitic waves Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarResearch Talk: PageRank computation Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarResearch Talk: Coupled Cells networks Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarResearch Talk: A Jacobi-Davidson Parallel Implementation Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarResearch Talk: Iterative refinement methods Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarLinearization of resonant vector fields Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarMultidimensional Rovella-like singular attractors Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarDiagonalização de invariantes tensoriais via os diagramas tipo Feynman Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarO equilíbrio universal do pêndulo após Galileu Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarEstabilidade de sistemas de Markov. Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarUso de funções especiais em teoremas de amostragem do tipo Whittaker-Shannon-Koltenikov. Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarFibrados de Higgs e ternos holomorfos parabólicos Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarSimetrias de aplicações descontínuas Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
