Super Admin

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
SeminarRepresentations of surface groups and harmonic maps (Lecture 1) Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarGauss map for surfaces in 4-space Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarGerbes and connections Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarTopology and singularities of moduli spaces of free group representations Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarUniversality of the BHP distribution Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarA discrepância na distribuição de órbitas da rede em R^2 Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarTwo periodic orbits on the standard three-sphere Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarTypical points for one-parameter families of piecewise expanding maps Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarUpper and lower bounds for the mutual information in dynamical networks Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarOn linear properties of Goldie dimension of modules and modular lattices. Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarClassificação das álgebras de Lie nilpotentes de dimensão 6 Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarOn Maximal Subgroups of Free Idempotent Generated Semigroups Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarA homological hammer to pound an infinite problem into a finite calculation. Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarPositive Lyapunov exponent in rational dynamics Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarOn applications of dynamically defined Cantor sets Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarSwitching dynamics in the Rock-Scissors-Paper game Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarThe Discrete Markus-Yamabe Problem and Appications. Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarCombinatorial aspects of Escher Tilings Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarCarrossel Caótico Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarAnalysis on crepant resolutions of Calabi-Yau orbifolds Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarOn the enumeration of periodic patterns of synchrony via finite bidirectional networks Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarDense Linear Algebra for Hybrid GPU-Multicore Systems Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarAutomatic presentations and semigroups Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarChain Conditions in Modular Lattices Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarSuperfícies de translação e fluxo de Teichmüller Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
