Super Admin

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
ConferenceSeminar on Representation Theory and Related Areas: 6th Workshop Super Admin07 years 1 week ago
Imagelogos_sortara Super Admin07 years 1 week ago
ProjectsStatistics of extreme events and dynamics of recurrence Super Admin07 years 1 month ago
Scholarship3 Bolsas de Investigação para Pós-Doutoramento 2017 Super Admin07 years 2 months ago
ScholarshipBolsa de Investigação para Licenciado 2017 Super Admin07 years 2 months ago
ScholarshipBolsa de Investigação para Licenciado 2017 Super Admin07 years 2 months ago
ScholarshipBolsa de Investigação para Mestre 2017 Super Admin07 years 2 months ago
Basic pageAdvisory Commission Super Admin07 years 3 months ago
Research areasSemigroups, Automata and Languages Super Admin07 years 3 months ago
ConferenceWar of the worlds - A 4-Line Meeting of CMUP Super Admin07 years 3 months ago
ConferencePedro Nunes Lecture at CMUP 2016 Super Admin07 years 4 months ago
ImageOpening session Super Admin07 years 4 months ago
ConferenceWorkshop: Statistical Properties of Dynamical Systems Super Admin07 years 11 months ago
Basic pagePartners & Collaborators Super Admin08 years 3 weeks ago
Basic pageCMUP Super Admin08 years 3 months ago
PublicationDense heteroclinic tangencies near a Bykov cycle Super Admin08 years 4 months ago
SeminarEquilibrium states for dynamical systems II: towards non-uniform hyperbolicity Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarEquilibrium states for dynamical systems I: the uniformly hyperbolic case Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarRings whose modules are Rad-supplemented Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarAlguns aspectos combinatórios da filogenética. Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarOn smoothly integrable implicit Hamiltonian systems Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarObservables and spactime geometry in (2+1)-dimensional gravity Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarEstudo da mansidão do produto semidirecto com uma pseudovariedade ordem computável. Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarGeography and Botany of 4-Manifolds Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarModuli of sheaves from moduli of Kronecker modules Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
