Super Admin

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
SeminarCoupled equations for Kähler metrics and Yang-Mills connections Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarExistência e regularidade de variedades estáveis p/ perturbações de dicotomias exp. não-uniformes Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarEuler : Life, the universe, and optimization Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarHipermapas orientados regulares com um número primo de hiperfaces Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarMathematical and algorithmic aspects of web search Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarA materialisation of Frobenius determinantal formula in prime characteristic. Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarOn the rational homotopy type of homotopy boundaries Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarHomotopy 2-types of complements of knotted surfaces in $S4$ Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarAn approach to linear preserver problems Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarEquilibrium states for dynamical systems III: equilibrium states for multimodal maps of the interval Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarMódulos Equimúltiplos Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarEquivariant volumes of non-compact quotients and instanton counting Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarQuantum tori and Morita equivalence Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarConstrução de medidas ergódicas não hiperbólicas Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarHochschild homology and representations of Yang-Mills algebras. Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarSome conditions precluding the existence of absolutely continuous invariant probability measures Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarOptimization under constraints of production carrying capacity at scale of a aquaculture farm Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarAveraged optimization of cyclic process with discount Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarHomological link invariants Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarThe unreasonable effectiveness of heuristic path integrals Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarExpoentes de Lyapunov para sistemas de equações lineares não autónomas Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarAtractores hiperbólicos-singulares são caóticos Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarOn Poisson quasi-Nijenhuis structures Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarGeometry of noncommutative $k$-algebras Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
SeminarSpin Foam Perturbation Theory Super Admin08 years 6 months ago
