Super Admin

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Basic pageDirection board Super Admin06 years 3 months ago
ConferencePedro Nunes Lecture - 2017 Super Admin06 years 3 months ago
NewsThe 75th anniversary of CMUP, 1942-2017 Super Admin06 years 3 months ago
NewsBolsa de Investigação (M/F)—Geometria de Variedades Algébricas Super Admin06 years 4 months ago
Research areasGeometry Super Admin06 years 4 months ago
ConferenceWORKSHOP on Signal Processing and Data Analysis Super Admin06 years 4 months ago
PublicationA Parametric Family of Subalgebras of the Weyl Algebra II. Irreducible Modules Super Admin06 years 4 months ago
PublicationA Parametric Family of Subalgebras of the Weyl Algebra I. Structure and Automorphisms Super Admin06 years 4 months ago
NewsPostdoctoral position in Algebraic Geometry at the University of Porto Super Admin06 years 4 months ago
Restricted Area SectionLogos, Agradecimentos, etc. Super Admin06 years 4 months ago
PublicationGibbs-Markov-Young structures with (stretched) exponential tail for partially hyperbolic attractors José Ferreira Alves06 years 5 months ago
ProjectsCoupled cell systems: the interplay of network structure and dynamics Super Admin06 years 7 months ago
ProjectsNonuniformly Hyperbolic Dynamics Super Admin06 years 7 months ago
ProjectsCANTE: Descriptional and computational complexity of formal languages Super Admin06 years 7 months ago
ProjectsChaotic Dynamics Super Admin06 years 7 months ago
ProjectsBREUDS – Brazilian-European partnership in Dynamical Systems Super Admin06 years 7 months ago
ProjectsTopological Invariants via Differential Geometry Super Admin06 years 7 months ago
ProjectsCoupled cell networks Super Admin06 years 7 months ago
ProjectsRings with additional structures Super Admin06 years 7 months ago
ProjectsInteractions between algebras and coalgebras Super Admin06 years 7 months ago
ProjectsSingularities in Poisson structures Super Admin06 years 7 months ago
ProjectsLaws of rare events and other statistical properties of Dynamical Systems Super Admin06 years 7 months ago
ProjectsAutomata, Semigroups and Applications Super Admin06 years 7 months ago
ProjectsMathematics with applications to Biology Super Admin06 years 7 months ago
Past projectNumerical methods for spectral computations: development and implementation in parallel computers Super Admin06 years 7 months ago
